The Lamb Who was slain from the foundation of the world, meekly stood before His disciples on this unique Passover of all Passovers, to proclaim: "This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me." Year after year, ever since the miraculous exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel had taken a little innocent, spotless lamb and slain it on the altar of sacrifice before the God of Israel, as a picture of the promised Messiah read more...
The Lord Jesus was sent by God to be the suffering Servant for the sin of mankind, and throughout His earthly life He became the perfect example of dignity, greatness, humility, and gracious service.
Imagine the scene: Jesus knew that the hour of His death had arrived when He would be despised and rejected of men, betrayed, denied, and deserted by His closest friends. He was about to be slain on a cross as Israel's Passover Lamb read more...
There is so much comfort in these words for all believers and much to learn as well. Job, Paul, and Simon Peter are all examples of men that Satan sought to sift as wheat, but the enemy does not have carte blanche authority to 'sift' or harm any believer he wants to whenever he wants to.
Satan must seek permission from God if he is going to try your faith or mine, or indeed the faith or any particular believer by inflicting read more...
The enemy is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and seeks to sift all God's children like wheat. However, he has to ask God's permission, and God is faithful and will not let any one of us be tempted beyond what we can bear. But what is so special is that the Lord Jesus as a Man understands our weaknesses, but as God He is both omniscient and omnipotent and He intercedes for us in the heavenly places so that our faith will not fail. We see Christ's read more...
In the final moments before being handed over to be crucified, the Lord Jesus was found earnestly praying to His Father about His forthcoming betrayal and crucifixion. Jesus had called His weary disciples to be earnest in prayer so that they would not fall into temptation. And as the appointed time for the work of redemption drew ever closer, the Lord Jesus is found on His face beseeching the Father: "If you are willing, remove this cup from read more...
During the hours before Christ's arrest, many things took place with great rapidity. After Jesus and His disciples had partaken of the Last Supper, Judas, who had been indwelled by Satan, left the Upper Room and returned to the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus into their hands. Jesus was not the Saviour he had expected and earlier in the day he had agreed to betray his Master into the hands of the Jews for 30 pieces of read more...