In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1(NASB)
"In the beginning..." is Deity's statement of fact. "In the beginning..." are words pregnant with meaning that subordinate logic, philosophy, psychology, and science. "In the beginning..." is a concept that astounds both the religious thinker and confounds the pagan theorist. It impacts both the believer's mind and the atheist's imaginings but, "In the beginning, was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Before time and space were created and before angelic voices chorused their harmonic, "holy, holy, holy", in heavenly places, was 'The Word'. The Word is forever present throughout the span of eternity past, and 'The Word' is deep within the conscious, personal existence of the justified man. Yet 'The Word' is wholly distinct from the Father and the Holy Spirit, "for in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." And the Word both received and reciprocated the love of the Father in the Triunity of the Spirit.
A unique relationship and unbreakable unity existed within the eternal Godhead before the uncreated God spoke the created universe into being, and formed man from the dust of the earth in His own image and likeness. The eternal Word was with God in the beginning and through this second Person of the Trinity, all things were created that were made.
By Him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers. All things were made by Him and all things were made for Him. He was sent by the Father to accomplish salvation in the power of the Spirit. Only God the Son was dressed in human flesh and became the Son of Man - and for this reason, all power has been given to Him to judge the living and the dead.
Each Person of the triune Godhead have their own unique roles to play and their own indigenous responsibilities to fulfil, and yet together they work in perfect harmony, being equal and perfect in every aspect of their Being. The Godhead is a Triunity, that one in essence, yet in three Persons - with one divine nature that is the same is substance - yet co-equal, co-eternal, co-infinite, and consubstantial.
The Lord our God is One, working together in perfect harmony and united in every attribute and function of consummate Deity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together in perfect union and thrilling harmony, with each other as Members of this eternal, uncreated Tri-Unity. Each stunning attribute is eternal in character - and HOLY is His name.
The Word was not only with God in the beginning but from eternity past the Word was God. The Word not only dwelt with God from before time began, or space and matter existed, but the Word was true God - for the Lord, our God is One Lord and yet presents Himself in Three perfect Persons of the same substance, of identical essence, consubstantial, co-eternal, co-equal, co-infinite - Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Heaven and earth are full of His glory - Hosanna in the highest.
The Word can never be identified as a god, as certain apostate religions and unbiblical denominations declare, for to consider Him so, would be to deny His claim to eternal divinity and render Him as inferior to the Father. Similarly, God can never be classed as one unity, as unitarianists teach, where the Father is the Son, Who in turn is the Spirit, nor is God one 'Person' with three different roles, or faces. Every such aberrant teaching that denies the deity of Christ, denigrates His Humanity and opposes the truth and inerrancy of God's Word.
NO, as the Bible records: in the beginning WAS the Word and the Word was WITH God and the Word WAS God.
In the absolute and unique unity of the Godhead, before the foundation of the world and all that was created - is the WORD, Who is identified from all eternity as the only One Who is qualified to become incarnate flesh - Immanuel - God with us - perfect God made fully Man - fully God and perfect Man - the eternal Son Who became the living Word - God the Son, Who was born as the Son of Man. For, "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory - as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
Father in heaven, I worship and praise Your holy name for Your wonderful plan of salvation. Thank You for sending Jesus, the Word, Who was with the Father before the world began. He came to earth willingly, in human flesh, so that a sinner such as I may be redeemed by His precious blood. Praise Your name and praise Jesus, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
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