What Does Hebrews 10:19 Mean?

Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus,

Hebrews 10:19(NASB)
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Verse of the Day

The Law was given to Moses for the people of Israel, and part of that Law pertained to the Aaronic priesthood. There were laws that dealt with the sacrifices and the way they had to be offered. There were laws that covered those who could become part of the priesthood, and laws that were connected with the duties that each member had to undertake.

There were rituals about washing and cleansing, standards connected with clean and unclean foods, and ceremonies about consecration. There were instructions concerning the duties of each priest, and there were specific orders and institutions that were only to be carried out by the high priest alone. The high priest was to undertake his duties in a specific way at a specific time, and for a specific purpose.

One of the most significant and awesome duties of the high priest took place on the day of Atonement. The High Priest was to enter into the holy of holies to offer atonement for his own sin and for the sin of the nation. This annual ritual was a stark reminder to the people of Israel of the terrible consequences of sin, as the shed blood of an innocent animal was poured out onto the sacrificial alter. Once a year, the shed blood on an innocent animal covered over the sins of the nation once again.

But we discover that it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin, and so in the book of Hebrews we are told that the Law and all the rites and rituals that surrounded the people and the priests, were simply a shadow of better things to come. The Law was a schoolmaster given by God to point us to Christ Who, as God's promised Messiah, was to be the full and final Sacrifice for sin.

Jesus was the Passover Lamb, the Burnt Offering, the Grain Offering, and the Peace Offering. The Lord Jesus was the Sin Offering Who was given by God to take away the sin of the whole world. And as He hung on the Cross as the full and final payment for sin, the full fury of the wrath of the Father was poured out upon Jesus, His dearly beloved Son, so that by faith in Him we might be forgiven of our sins and clothed in His own perfect righteousness.

When the full force of God's wrath against sin had been poured out on Christ, He cried in triumph: "IT IS FINISHED." And at that very time, the veil of the Temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, opening the way for all who believe on His name to have access to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.

For many hundreds of years, the only person that could draw near and approach the holy place in the Temple of God was the high priest, and only on that significant and awesome Day of Atonement. But Christ Jesus not only died as the one and only perfect sacrifice for sin Whose blood paid the full and final price for our sin and Whose flesh was the veil that was torn for us. He is also the one and only perfect High Priest. He was the Mediator through Whom the barrier between God and man was forever removed so that by faith in Him we are given access into the holy of holies by the blood of Jesus Christ, our perfect sacrifice and eternal High Priest.

There is an incredible contrast between the pre-Cross Aaronic priesthood, which given to Israel through Moses, and the post-Cross Melchizedek Priesthood of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and we are given a stark warning not to despise the new and better covenant that came through the atoning work of Christ on Calvary's Cross. We are warned not to return to the old legalistic practices of the former priesthood where daily, monthly, and annual rituals were carried out so that sins might be covered-up for one more year. We are told that by faith we have a right to enter boldly into the throne-room of God through the offering of Christ's body on the tree. We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, for mercy to find help in time of need.

It is as born-again believers that we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus. In Him, we have the right to enter by a new a living way which the Lord Jesus Himself inaugurated for us through the veil, that is His flesh. "And since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You that I can enter the most holy place boldly, through the blood of Jesus which has washed me clean of my sins and cleansed my heart. Thank You that Jesus is my great High Priest and that I have access to God through Him. I pray that I may draw nearer to You with every passing day so that my heart may continue to be sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and I may walk in newness of life in Christ. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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