The Lord Jesus is uniquely the eternal Son of God, the perfect Son of Man, the rightful King of the universe and God's anointed High Priest. He was sent from above to be the one and only Mediator between fallen humanity and a holy God - as well as becoming God's personal representative to lost mankind.
In every way the Lord Jesus is presented in Hebrews as being superior to prophets, angels, Moses, David and all created beings.. read more...
During His sojourn on earth, Christ's main office was Prophet. He was 'The Prophet who was to come' about whom Moses spoke. He was the Builder and Son of the house in which Moses served. He was the fulfilment of the one about whom Moses witnessed, and He was the substance of Law which was given through Moses.
He also came as king David's greater Son and God's read more...
Jesus is the singular intermediary between God and man. He is the eternal God yet also, He is the perfect Man Who died for our sins and rose again from the dead. Jesus is the one and only Mediator between God and fallen humanity, seated on the right hand of the Majesty of high, and He ever lives to make intercession for those who believe in His name. When the enemy accuses us before the throne of God, it is Jesus Who stands in the gap. He is the One Who defends us read more...
The incarnation of Christ is a profound mystery .. that God should become a Man.. to take the punishment that men justly deserves - in order to save the human race from sin and death. God is Spirit and in order to be identified with man and take on the role of Kinsman-Redeemer He had to enter the human race in a physical body and live His entire life in exactly the same way that we live:- living, breathing, eating, sleeping, working.. with His own life-blood read more...
Jesus had a unique relationship with His Heavenly Father, for He was the eternal Son Who became a Member of the human race, but He also had a unique relationship with humanity, for He was fully Man and yet fully God. This hypostatic union of eternal deity with perfect humanity is found in one Person alone, the Lord Jesus Christ Who became the Head of a new creation and the Author of eternal salvation to all who believe on His name.
Once we are saved by grace through faith we are to live by faith; to walk by faith; to mature in the faith and to grow in grace. We are to progress from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity and to become disciples of Christ.. students of the scriptures and skilled in the word of righteousness.
As believers who have trusted Christ for our salvation we are to develop in our Christian walk and advance from simply taking-in the read more...