The book of Hebrews points us to the unique person and work of the Lord Jesus and calls us to trust God in all things, for without faith it is impossible to please Him. It warns us to beware of falling short of the calling God has on our lives and cites Israel as an object lesson on pitfalls to avoid, as well as identifying a great cloud of faithful witnesses who trusted God in all the twists and turns of their lives.
In the
While the title and content of Hebrews suggests that its initial audience were immature converts from Judaism who were in danger of leaving their Christian faith and returning to the Law of Moses, the subject matter, instructions, and warnings offered in Hebrews are equally pertinent to Christians of today who have legalistic teachers, or trust in a works-based salvation message.
The book of Hebrews cautions believers who have a read more...
Exalting the Person and work of the eternal Son of God, and detailing His incarnation, His substitutionary death, His heavenly Priesthood, and the importance of faith, are the broad themes that flow through the book of Hebrews. This is not a book that is written to unbelievers. Hebrews is an epistle that targets maturing believers, and its clarion call is to live godly lives in Christ Jesus - the Author and Finisher of our faith.
The direction of our life, the tenor of our conversation, and the disposition of our hearts should always be pleasing to the Lord, for we are God’s children. We are to be holy for God is holy. We are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. We are to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, as, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed into His image, day by day.
Inner contentment
If only our faith were simpler and we were more childlike, we would take all that God says in the Scriptures and simply trust in His Word – and that's called FAITH! Faith is simply maintaining confidence in all God says. It is believing that His Word is true. It is trusting that the Lord will honour His pledges and promises.
In the previous verse, the Lord Himself promised, "I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake read more...
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness," and Jesus came as the fulfilment of God's written Word. Quoting from the Psalms, He Himself declared: "Behold, the volume of the book is written about Me - and I have come to fulfil your will, O God."
The Jewish leaders searched through Scripture,
The book of Hebrews is of tremendous spiritual importance and has significant doctrinal value to all Church-age believers. However, much of its content was of special relevance to Jewish believers in the early Church who found difficulty in letting go of the long religious history of Judaism - which was deeply rooted in Mosaic Law - in exchange for Christianities post-Cross doctrine.
It compares and contrasts the important
The Law of God demanded that only the shed blood of a perfect, sacrificial 'Lamb' could be accepted as a trespass-offering - a sin offering to pay for the price for humanity's sin. The Lord Jesus Christ achieved this on Calvary's cross when He became our sin-substitute. God was fully satisfied when His only Begotten Son took on human flesh, lived a sinless life and drank the cup of suffering on our account and walked to the cross, to die in our read more...
The Lord Jesus offered up His sinless life to His Heavenly Father as the full, final, and sufficient sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. It was by willingly giving up His own perfect life as an offering to the Father at Calvary that the purpose for which Christ was born was accomplished. He became the full and sufficient payment for the sin of the whole world, and all who believe on Him receive forgiveness of sins because He died in our place.
What a beautiful prayer is being prayed for all those that are one with Christ.
We do not have a distant, ineffective God but a God of peace Who made peace with us through the death of the Lord Jesus, and Who gives us His own perfect peace as we remain in fellowship with Him.
We do not have a vague, impotent God, but one who is our Good Shepherd Who works on our behalf, Who guides our feet into read more...
The writer to the Hebrews prayed the most wonderful prayer - that God would prepare and equip all believers in Christ with every good thing that is pleasing to God. He prays for a life that carries out every good work that God has prepared for us to do in the power of His Spirit, a life that lives and functions in the grace and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, a new-life in Christ that can say "it is not I that live but the mighty power of Christ read more...