Hebrews 8 Devotional Commentary

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  • Hebrews 8
Hebrews 8:5

Hebrews 8:5

The message of the gospel is so simple that even a child can understand it, but it is very difficult for people who are steeped in the Hebrew tradition to come to terms with what the Bible really teaches; that there is neither Jew nor Gentile in the Body of Christ, but we are all one new man in Him.

The Christian Church is not an earthly people with an earthly inheritance. Israel was chosen to be God's earthly people with an read more...

Hebrews 8:7

Hebrews 8:7

Little by little and precept upon precept, we are brought in the book of Hebrews to acknowledge that Christ's heavenly, high-priestly ministry is so much more superior than the earthly, Aaronic priesthood that preceded it. And the blood of the Son of God that was shed at Calvary (once and for all) was a more excellent sacrifice than the rivers of blood that streamed from the multiple calves and bulls which had made atonement for man's sin for centuries (in read more...

Hebrews 8:12

Hebrews 8:12

Moses was the mediator of the old but conditional covenant with Israel which was cut and confirmed through the spilt blood of the Passover lambs in Egypt. Christ is the Mediator of a new and better covenant, an unconditional covenant which was signed and sealed with His own precious blood. Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God: "Who takes away the sin of the world," and it was finished at Calvary.

The old