What Does Matthew 5:7 Mean?

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Matthew 5:7(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The beautiful beatitudes of Christ's Sermon on the Mount outline the ideal attributes that should be found in all citizens of heaven. They list and describe the constitution and character that our Heavenly Father desires from each of His blood-bought children. This in-depth description of the one who is blessed beyond compare, is only addressed to those that are saved and seeking to follow Christ as a true disciple; the one who is prepared to take up his cross daily, at the expense of all else.

First, they catalogue the inner character that God wants to develop in all born-again believers, by grace through faith. Then, the beatitudes go into greater detail of the conduct that should result from the man or woman who is walking in spirit and in truth.

The qualities that are so close to the heart of God are diametrically opposite from those in which the world delights, for the godly character that God has ordained in each of His blood-bought children is only achieved as we willingly submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. And, little by little, the Holy Spirit conforms us into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.

Too often, the unsaved regard the godly standard of these beautiful beatitudes as an ideal to strive for, in order to please God. Many erroneously think that to try to carry out these beatitudes in their everyday life will give them access to heaven by the back door, but no man or woman can come close to the ideal standard that God requires, for it is only in Christ that this perfection can be attained. It is only through the blood of the Lamb that we can be forgiven of our numberless sins and be clothed in Christ's righteousness, and live godly in Him.

It is the one who is poor in spirit, who walks humbly before God, and admits their need of salvation while mourning their many sins and turning from their focus on self, that can become merciful and compassionate towards others. It is only the one who is meek in spirit, gentle in heart, and who hungers and thirsts after godly righteousness that can attain to this level of perfection in-Christ. It is only the man or woman who humbly and reverently recognises the manifold mercies of God's towards them, and His amazing grace in sending His only begotten Son to become the substitute for their sin, who is permitted to bear this fruit of the Spirit.

In His mercy, God withheld the punishment that we justly deserve, and in His grace He gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. In consideration of the great goodness and mercy that has followed us all the days of our life, should we not be those that in-Christ, demonstrate godly mercy and kindness towards others, for in so doing we not only reflect the mercy and love of God but we will receive God's bountiful blessing: "For blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy," pressed down, filled up to the brim and running over.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for Your manifold mercy toward me, in that while I was yet a sinner and at enmity with You, You did not give me what I deserved but showed me mercy and love. You redeemed my life and clothed me in the righteousness of Christ. May I imitate the merciful way that Christ lived, by bestowing Your mercy and compassion on all those with whom I come in contact. May I live as You would have me live. In Jesus' name and for His glory, AMEN.

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