Matthew 12 Devotional Commentary

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  • Matthew 12
Matthew 12:20

Matthew 12:20

No one spoke like this Man, and the tender words that accompany His work should soothe the soul of the one that is lost, discouraged, and getting to their own breaking point. They should bind up the heart of those that are broken by sin, for all humanity is a bruised and breaking reed, all mankind is a smouldering wick that is in need of a Saviour.

This was the ministry for which God the Father sent His Son into the world – a read more...

Matthew 12:27

Matthew 12:27

Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel as their long-awaited Messiah. He came to set up His kingdom and, like the prophets of old, He called on the people and the priests to "repent of your sin." The people had fallen into apostasy and sin, and the entire nation had to repent, collectively. Israel, as God's firstborn, adopted son, had to turn back to the God of their forefathers and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - God's only begotten Son read more...

Matthew 12:36

Matthew 12:36

Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel as their long-awaited Messiah. He came to set up His kingdom, and like the prophets of old, He called on the people and the priests to.. "repent of your sin." The people had fallen into apostasy and sin, and the entire nation had to repent collectively. Israel, as God's firstborn, adopted son, had to turn back to the God of their forefathers and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - His only begotten Son read more...

Matthew 12:40

Matthew 12:40

The Jewish leaders knew that Christ claimed to come from heaven as their Messiah and King. They recognised the miracles and wonders He performed, which had been foretold by Old Testament prophets and clearly authenticated His claim. But His message was unacceptable to these religious folk because He did not fulfil their preconceived expectations.

Israel's opposition came to a climax in Matthew 11, when the Jewish leaders read more...

Matthew 12:48

Matthew 12:48

Although Christ was the eternal God Who created heaven and earth, He had to be born into the human race so that He could fully identify with those He came to save.

To fulfil Bible prophecy, Jesus was born into a Jewish family in the kingly line of David. His mother was Mary, His step-father was Joseph, and He had a number of younger read more...