Matthew 17 Devotional Commentary

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  • Matthew 17
Matthew 17:5

Matthew 17:5

Only days before Christ's spectacular transfiguration, where the majesty of His holiness and the brightness of His glory shone out from the Lord Jesus on that holy mount, we discover Him telling His followers that a day was fast approaching when He would come in His Father's glory to set up His promised kingdom. It was as He was teaching this important truth that Christ added that some who were standing amongst them would not die until they had seen the Son of Man read more...

Matthew 17:11

Matthew 17:11

For 400 years God's voice had been silent, until John the Baptist declared, "repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand." Jesus came to present Himself to Israel as their promised Messiah-King, from the line of David - the Prophet like unto Moses - the Priest after the order of Melchizedek. He came to fulfil His ministry of reconciliation and to offer His life, as the ransom price for sin. He came to fulfil the righteous requirement of the Law and to read more...

Matthew 17:12

Matthew 17:12

As Jesus came down from the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John, He told His three disciples not to disclose the wonderful vision they had seen there, until after He had risen from the dead. Christ's Resurrection would confirm that His ministry and message were true, and it would be used to authenticate His Messianic claims - which had been rejected by Israel. 

Having just left the wonderful, mountain-top

Matthew 17:20

Matthew 17:20

The disciples had been with Jesus constantly for three years. They had heard his authoritative teachings, been given great revelation about the Son of Man Who was in their midst, and heard the voice of God proclaim, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased," They had witnessed the Lord Jesus perform many mighty miracles that clearly authenticated His Messianic claims, and they themselves had been endowed with power from on high to heal read more...