Matthew 14 Devotional Commentary

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  • Matthew 14
Matthew 14:13

Matthew 14:13

Although Jesus was fully God, He was also fully Man. Although He was the eternal Son of God Who was the exact representation of the Father, Jesus was also a Man - a perfect Man, but with human limitations, just as we are. And so because of His humanity, He is able to sympathise with the many weaknesses of mortal man; our physical weariness, mental exhaustion, the limitation of this body of flesh and blood, and He understands our deepest spiritual needs. He read more...

Matthew 14:27

Matthew 14:27

As the disciples struggled to keep their little boat afloat in the midst of the tempestuous storm that raged across the sea, Jesus came to them, walking on the water. They had been battling the raging storm throughout the night and they were exhausted, but it continued to lash their little boat well into the early hours of the morning, for we are told that it was the fourth watch of the night when Jesus came to them. 

It was

Matthew 14:31

Matthew 14:31

The storms of life may be used by God to chasten and discipline us OR to perfect and refine us (or both) as, little by little, His Spirit uses the turbulent circumstances of life to transform us into the image and likeness of His dear Son.

God used the tempestuous ocean waves to correct the rebellious Jonah, and He used the same raging seas to develop, increase, and perfect the faith of Peter and the other disciples.


Matthew 14:33

Matthew 14:33

The disciples had just seen the Lord Jesus feed 5000 men with a few small loaves and fishes, walk right to the middle of the Sea of Galilee on the surface of the water to join the disciples on their fishing boat, give Peter the authority and power to walk on water himself - and then witness him being rescued from drowning by the strong arm of the Lord Jesus when his faith failed! No wonder that all those in the boat were in filled with wonder and amazement, and read more...