Matthew 27 Devotional Commentary

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  • Matthew 27
Matthew 27:29

Matthew 27:29

A few days after His triumphal ride into Jerusalem amidst the cries of: "Hosanna-save us," we hear the crowd screaming: "Let His blood be on us and on our children." And to placate the people and to fulfil the determinate will and counsel of God, Who loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for the sin of the whole world, we see Jesus... crucified on a Roman cross between two thieves.


Matthew 27:35

Matthew 27:35

The King of Israel and Saviour of the world was crucified on Calvary's Cross between two thieves, after having been falsely accused and sentenced to death at an illegal trial. The four Gospels combine to describe glimpses of His betrayal, His arrest, and some of the cruel treatment Jesus received at the hands of sinful men, yet He allowed Himself to be led as a lamb to the slaughter and opened not His mouth, and in so doing, fulfilled all things which were read more...

Matthew 27:42

Matthew 27:42

Some of the truths that are recorded about the Cross are so shocking and so profound that they shake us to the core of our being, when we begin to comprehend the significance and poignancy of the eternal meaning behind them.

How true that the Lord Jesus had saved others for He went about doing good. Yet, as these very words were being spat out of the mouths of those who ridiculed Him at the foot of the Cross, our Saviour was read more...

Matthew 27:46

Matthew 27:46

Numerous prophetic Scriptures were fulfilled during three hours of supernatural darkness that covered the entire earth, as God incarnated (the sinless Son of Man) hung. Falsely accused, shockingly condemned to death, hated by humanity, mocked by the people, abhorred by the rulers, scorned by all, despised by those He loved, and rejected by those He came to save, Jesus hung upon the Cross. Truly, our Saviour was a Man of deep sorrows and acquainted with read more...

Matthew 27:54

Matthew 27:54

It was the centurion who cried out: "Truly this was the Son of God," when he saw the earthquake, the darkness, and all that took place at Calvary on that pivotal point in history. Surely the life of the centurion who uttered these earth-shattering words by divine revelation, was never the same again. 

No doubt this man was witness to the

Matthew 27:57

Matthew 27:57

Matthew 27, traces Christ's path from his trial before the Roman authorities to his brutal crucifixion as a common criminal on Calvary's Cross, and His burial in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Along the way, we are shocked to discover that Pilate released Barabbas instead of Jesus, to appease the crowd, who refused to recognise Him as the rightful King of Israel. He was the anointed Son of the Father and was sent to save His people from their sin, but was read more...