Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,
Hebrews 2:14(NASB)
The significance and potency of the truth contained in this verse cannot be over-emphasised. God, in the Person of the eternal Son, became a man sharing in our mortal, human make-up of flesh and blood, without which the redemption of mankind would have been utterly impossible, and without which all humanity would have remained dead in their sins and powerless to overcome death.
The wages of sin is death: spiritual death, physical death, and the agonizing fear of death that stalks the heart of humankind. The enormous ramifications of man's sin in the garden of Eden cannot be imagined by the temporal mind of mortal man, nor should its eternal implications be ignored.
It was impossible for man to redeem Himself, for all humanity has fallen short of the perfect standard of a righteous God and every member of the human race stands condemned before Him, deserving the full force of His inflamed wrath.
Only the blood of a perfect, sinless man was sufficient to save a guilty race. Only the death of an innocent, spotless member of mankind was qualified to willingly lay down his own life as full and final payment for a fallen race. Only the death of a kinsman could redeem lost humanity and suffice an offended God. But there was none. There was not one man good enough to stand in the gap and pay the price of sin.
But it was also impossible for God Himself to redeem humanity, for God is Spirit and He is an eternal and infinite Being while man is a created soul. Man is made of mortal flesh and formed from the dust of the earth. Mankind is a finite, sinful race of beings upon whom the righteous judgement of a holy, infinite God had fallen, with death being the only possible consequence.
But God in His grace demonstrated His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His only begotten Son to become one of us. The eternal Son of God took on mortal flesh and shared in our earthly, physical frame so that the God-rejecting, sin-soaked race of fallen humanity could be redeemed from the shocking, inescapable, and eternal consequences of sin (spiritual death, physical death, the fear of death, eternal separation from the Father, and the righteous condemnation of a holy God).
The significance and potency of the truth that is contained in this verse cannot be over-emphasised. The Lord Jesus partook of our earthly frame and was born as a flesh and blood member of the human race, so that by His DEATH, death would be conquered. His DEATH would render powerless the one who had the power of death, and that is the devil. The death of God incarnate vanquished death and nullified its power over you and me, freeing the fallen race of man from its shocking consequences.
Death has no more dominion or power over the Christian man or woman for by His death. Death is conquered.
Heavenly Father, I cannot begin to imagine what it must have cost You to send the dear Lord Jesus down to earth, leaving His eternal position in heaven to be born as a man. Thank You that through His death, He has destroyed the power of death and Satan. I look forward to that day, yet future, when He will throw Satan, hell, and death itself into the lake of fire. To Him be all praise and glory, world without end, AMEN.
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