in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.
Hebrews 1:2(NASB)
Throughout the history of man, God has spoken to us in many different ways. At first, He spoke through His appointed prophets, priest, and kings, and His glory was declared by the star-studded heavens above and His brilliant handiwork beneath. Each blossom speaks of His artistry, every bird gives testimony of His care, and every step we take and each breath we draw, proclaims His gracious, sustaining power.
Throughout the passage of time, man has keenly desired to approach the unapproachable God. Man has explored ways to seek Him out, to know Him, to communicate with Him, to understand Him - but sin has erected an eternal, unbridgeable gulf between man and his Maker.
But, following man's fall, God set in motion His preordained plan to redeem the fallen race of man, and at the appointed time He broke through the space-time barrier into earth's revolving history, to reveal Himself to His fallen creation in a new and special way. This was His appointed time to implement His perfect plan of redemption. Jesus came to carry out the plan which God had purposed before the foundation of the world.
The Father of Mercies sent the royal Son of His love - the second Person of the Trinity to earth, to reveal Himself to mankind. In days gone by, God had begun to unveil His plans and purposes for mankind through holy men of God, "but in these last days God spoke to us in His Son, Whom He appointed Heir of all things, and through Whom also He made the world."
God in His grace and mercy, sent His Son into the world, that through faith in Him the world may be saved - redeemed from the slave-market of sin and saved from Satan's clutches. God determined that the eternal Son would set aside His glory and be born into the world, that He Himself created. God resolved that He would be born as the perfect, sinless, Son of Man, and become the one and only acceptable sacrificial offering for our sin.
He came in the Person of Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem, to tear down the immovable barrier between a holy God - Who cannot look on sin - and fallen man who is dead in trespasses and sin. He came to destroy the immovable sin-barrier and unbridgeable gulf that was erected by SIN - such that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
God's final, perfect, all-inclusive, and comprehensible Word, was spoken in the last days by means of His only Begotten Son. No word can be uttered to the Father, no prayer offered, no praise extended, other than through the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone is the Mediator between man and God for none can approach the Father - except by means of His dearly beloved Son.
Jesus is the full and final revelation that God has given to man. He is the culmination of God's disclosing of Himself to mankind. His free-will, sacrificial offering on the Cross is the climax of God's plan to redeem His fallen race. Christ is the ultimate revealing of God's plans and purposes for He is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the end of God's will and Word - His mind and His thoughts.
The revelation to man that God gave through His Son, is so great, His being so infinite and His deeds so numerous, that Christ's beloved disciple considered the world insufficient to contain all the books that should be written of this precious Person. Christ was the 'Message' God sent to the world and Christ was the 'Messenger' Who came from heaven in human flesh to reveal the Father to us.
Jesus is the Heir of all things. He is the only Begotten of the Father. Jesus is the Creator of the entire universe of time, matter, and space, Who holds all things together by the might of His power. He is the radiance of God's glory - the centre and circumference of God's redemptive plan, and He is the exact representation of God's character and nature. He Who upholds the universe by His all-powerful Word, secured man's purification from sin, and took His seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
And yet, mystery of mysteries, this incomprehensible God, Who is high and lifted-up has adopted all who believe in the name of His Son, as His own children, and has laid out for us, His eternal plan of salvation within the pages of His written Word.
Many know about God's Son superficially. They know about Him intellectually, historically, or emotionally, but how few take the plunge into real, God-honouring, spiritual growth, as laid out in His written Word.
Let us earnestly seek to know Him more and offer our lives as a living sacrifice that is holy unto God and honours the Son, and let us permit Him to conform us into the image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ, with every passing day.
Thank You for Jesus, and thank You, Father, that through Him I may approach Your throne of grace. Thank You that through Him I may know more of You, and how I praise and thank You that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection I have been made alive in Christ, and brought into the family of God. May my life be honouring to You, in thought, word, deed, and motive, and may I grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, with every passing day. In His name I pray, AMEN.
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