for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever.
Genesis 13:15(NASB)
God created the world to show us His glory and provide a beautiful place for His creation. Everything the Lord made was good. He formed man in His own image and likeness, and he and his progeny were to learn about the Lord and His love for us. We were to trust His Word, enjoy an intimate relationship with Him, and be His ambassadors on earth. But Adam (the federal head of humanity) sinned, and God's amazing plan of redemption for mankind and the cursed earth began.
Following the fall, mankind had a sinful nature and continuously rebelled against the Lord, but He purposed to call one faithful man through whom the world would be blessed. In Genesis 12, God called Abram (Abraham) to leave his land, his family, and his home, and go to a place the Lord would show him. God promised to bless this man, make him into a great nation, and make his name great, and He purposed to bless the whole earth through one of his descendants. Abraham believed God and set out: "Not knowing where he was going." And his faith was credited to him as righteousness.
There were times when Abraham was faithful in his walk of faith and other times when he was disobedient, but God's promise to this man was unconditional. And so the day came when God again spoke to His servant and told him to lift up his eyes and look to the north, the south, the east, and the west, and God promised to give all of that land to Abraham's descendants through Issac, the son of promise who had yet to be born.
What an incredible promise: "All the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever." The land that Abraham saw was Canaan - the land of Israel - the Promised Land. God assured him that He would provide for his descendants forever. He promised to make them as numerous as the dust of the earth and to give them the land that Abraham could see.
Abraham is called 'the father of faith' and God's promises were given to him. And Isaac, Israel, and all Abraham's earthly descendants who would place their trust in God would inherit the promises given to Abraham. It would be through a remnant of believing Israelites (part of the 'Israel of God' as Paul calls believing Jews) that the promised Messiah would come.
While believing Israel are Abraham's physical descendants who will inherit all the earthly promises given to their forefathers, the Church are Abraham's spiritual descendants; for we are IN Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and we have also been given many precious promises, including a heavenly inheritance.
This passage reminds us of the tremendous provision and faithfulness of God. He has promised to provide for us and to bless us. He is always faithful to His Word and He will give us what He has promised. We can trust Him with our future and our lives. God's promises to us are not just for our physical needs, but also for our spiritual needs.
He will provide for us in ways we can't even imagine. We just need to look up, take a step back, and trust in the Lord. God has given us so much already, and we can be confident that He will continue to provide for us. He promises to be with us, to guide us, to comfort us, and to provide for us. He is our faithful Father, and His love for us is never ending.
Let us take heart from this passage and trust that God will be faithful to His promises. Let us look to Him as our provider with faith. He will never let us down, and He will give us the strength and courage and the resources we need to face each day, for His grace is sufficient.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a faithful God Whose Word is true and Whose promises will never fail. I stand in awe of the mercy, love, goodness, and grace You showed to Abraham, Isaac, and the children of Israel. I rejoice that You sent Jesus to be our Kinsman-Redeemer so that we might be brought into the family of faith and be made Your spiritual sons and daughters, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, I thank You for Your generous provision, Your faithfulness, and your unending love. I am so grateful for all You have done for me, and praise You for all You have promised to do. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
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