Genesis 2 Devotional Commentary

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Genesis 2:1

Genesis 2:1

The sublime description of God's supernatural creation in Genesis 1, introduces us to the essential fullness and the almighty power of the triune Godhead Who is seen working in harmony to bring into existence the heavens, the earth, and all that is therein.

The first verse of chapter 2 completes this chronicle of creation which displays the eternal power of the Godhead - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God saw all that He had made read more...

Genesis 2:2

Genesis 2:2

In the first chapter of Genesis, we are given the broad brushstrokes of creation, from God's initial command: "Let there be light," to the creation of man: "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him - male and female He created them."

The Lord blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. They were instructed to fill the earth and subdue it... to have read more...

Genesis 2:3

Genesis 2:3

For six days, the Lord had spoken creation into being. He called forth light and separated it from the darkness, naming it day and night-time. He made the firmament in the midst of the heavens and divided the waters above from the waters below, and then He called the dry land into being.

Grass and fruit trees, green foliage, and different

Genesis 2:7

Genesis 2:7

During the six days of creation, we discover in Genesis chapter one that God made man in His own image and likeness, with a mind to think, emotions to feel, and a will to make choices. The man that God created was destined to rule and reign as His appointed regent over all the whole earth, in total dependence upon his God and in willing submission to his gracious Creator.

And so we read that having spoken the heaven and the earth read more...

Genesis 2:8

Genesis 2:8

Genesis is the book of beginnings, and in chapter 1 we walk through the 6 days of creation. All things in heaven and earth, both visible and invisible, were created by God Who spoke the world into being by the strength of His might and the Word of His eternal power. The entire universe was created from nothing in just six days, together with God-ordained laws and natural principles. Finally, on the sixth day, God formed Man from the dust of the earth and read more...

Genesis 2:15

Genesis 2:15

Each day of creation added more colour and beauty into God's perfect design, until our almighty Creator finally took some dust of the earth, and made man. He formed and fashioned it into the image and likeness of Himself. No surprise that God was satisfied with the work of His hand, and declared everything He had made was very good. And God rested on the seventh day.

The second chapter of Genesis gives greater insight into the read more...

Genesis 2:17

Genesis 2:17

God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life, and Adam became a living being created in the image and likeness of Almighty God Himself.

Adam was commissioned to rule over the beautiful earth as God's vice-regent, but responsibility accompanies privilege, and obedience to God's commands was all that was required of this greatly honoured man.

Adam was given

Genesis 2:18

Genesis 2:18

What a beautiful picture we have of the first man who was so carefully constructed by God from the dust of the earth (that the Lord Himself had created). And having formed and fashioned the man that He had made, God breathed His own breath of life in to Adam's lifeless form, and Adam became a living being, made in the image and likeness of God with a mind to think, emotions to feel, and a will to make freewill choices.

Adam was

Genesis 2:24

Genesis 2:24

It was God and not man Who ordained marriage and its many blessings in the beginning. This beautiful union between a man and his wife was born out of the heart of our loving God Who bestowed marriage as a sacred ordinance upon the creation He made and the people He loved.

God made man in His own image and likeness He knew the need for fellowship and love in the life of human-kind. And so God made the first woman to be the wife, read more...