Genesis 27 Devotional Commentary

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  • Genesis 27
Genesis 27:7

Genesis 27:7

So much in the family of Abraham and the nation of Israel is used by God to teach us lessons on living a sanctified life that is honouring to Him, while highlighting many fleshly behaviours and carnal attitudes we should avoid. These same historical accounts also demonstrate the gracious character of our long-suffering Lord, as He unfolds His wonderful plan of salvation and reminds us all, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and trusting His read more...

Genesis 27:29

Genesis 27:29

Isaac thought he was about to die and decided it was time to put his house in order, by declaring his last will and testament. From the time of their birth, Isaac had always favoured Esau, his older son, over his twin brother, Jacob. Esau was a manly individual who had exceptional hunting skills and often prepared the most delicious dishes with the wild game he caught and killed. Yes, Isaac favoured Esau over Jacob and determined to give him his blessing.


Genesis 27:30

Genesis 27:30

Before the birth of their twins, Isaac's wife, Rebekah, earnestly sought the Lord in prayer and was informed by God that two nations were growing in her womb and her babies would become two people groups. The Lord continued to tell her that one of the nations would be stronger than the other, but that the firstborn would be subservient to his younger sibling: "The older shall serve the younger,” was God's clear directive in his answer to read more...