For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21(KJV)
God has spoken to man through the holy Scriptures, and His Word endures forever. The Bible is the singular, unchanging, and non-negotiable plumb-line for truth, and it was holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Spirit in bygone days, who were entrusted to record the sacred, inerrant, God-breathed text.
The Scriptures were not devised by the whimsical impulses of men, nor manufactured from their own creative imagination, but God in His sovereignty chose certain individuals to be the human authors of His divinely inspired message to mankind.
God chose shepherds and kings, fishermen and farmers, tax-collectors and priests, a physician and a Pharisee, old men and youths - and He moved them to record the sacred text. He embraced their interests and intellect, their learning or lack of it, their experiences and individuality, their penmanship and writing style to shine through in the inspired text, which they were moved to record. And yet, God in a supernatural way directed their heart to inscribe the very Word of God, down to the final jot and the smallest tittle.
More than forty human writers over centuries of time were moved by the Holy Spirit of God to bring His sure Word of truth to a lost and dying world. Although their characters and interests were reflected in their own, individual scrolls, the verbal inspiration of the celestial Scripture shines though as a shining light in a darkened world. And the Spirit-inspired Word of God became a window into the heart of our Creator so that man could be saved by grace through faith in Christ.
From the first verse of Genesis to the final word in Revelation, we discover the integrity of Scripture to be unsurpassed by human reasoning and yet fallen man in his foolish folly chooses to reject the God-breathed, verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God, preferring to trust in his own flawed imaginations. The choice to reject the Word, blinds these people from the glorious heavenly message that brings Light and Love and Truth and Life everlasting.
To Him be praise for ever and ever.
Heavenly Father, thank You that by Your grace and love, You gave us the inspired Scriptures through Your chosen apostles and prophets and that they were faithful in writing what the Holy Spirit moved them to write. What a blessing to read that You are my Father in heaven and that Your beloved Son came to earth to be my Saviour. Thank You for all the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible, and all the prophecies yet to be fulfilled. May I always hunger and thirst for Your Word as it is light, truth, and life to me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
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