What Does 1 John 4:16 Mean?

We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

1 John 4:16(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Perhaps this verse in first John, is the verse of all verses that encapsulates the very essence of God and his plan of redemption: "We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." Maybe this is the truth that helps us understand Who God is, what He has done for us, what He is doing, and what He will continue to do in and through all who believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God and place their trust in Him.

As Christians, we are participators in the love of the Father through the witness of the Spirit of His Love. The Holy Spirit of Love has been given by the Father of Love to reveal the Son of His Love. This glorious truth provides us with wonderful reassurance and binds our heart to His eternal heart of love: "For we have known and believed the great love that God hath to us."

We know and we believe that the truth of God's Love and our knowledge of Him, is simply a matter of fact through faith in Christ. It is a matter of trusting His Word. It is a matter of faith, which pleases the loving heart of our gracious God of Love and secures our hope in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It was the fiery 'son of thunder' who in his twilight years, penned the precious words: "God is Love." This beloved disciple increasingly discovered God really is Love, as did the dynamic apostle Paul, who disclosed that love is the greatest of all the gifts of the Spirit. And love is the greatest spiritual fruit, for the fruit of the Spirit is grounded in LOVE; the love of God for His people.

Like all the disciples, John came to an increasing understanding that the humble Man Who knelt to wash his feet at that memorable Passover meal, was the eternal Son of God: "We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love," he wrote, "And we know that the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him."

John, like all Christ's apostles, came to know that Jesus Christ, the incarnate WORD, was incarnate LOVE. He was the eternal God in the flesh. He was in the beginning with God and all things were made by Him. Nothing came into being apart from Him, and in Him was eternal life which was the Light that shines into the heart of all who believe, and the darkness can never, ever quench this truth. In Him was eternal love; a love that can never fail.

The love of God reaches into every aspect of our lives and touches every 'jot and tittle' of our need. Behind the black clouds of sin, shines the Son of redeeming love. Enshrouded beneath the dreary fog of hopelessness is hidden our loving Provider. Submerged beneath the woes and troubles that weary our soul and swamp our mind is the everlasting Spirit of love.

Hidden in the dusty desert of despair, we are given streaming rivers of living water that are brimming to overflowing with the Love of God, and Jesus Christ Whom He sent to reveal Himself to us. And Jesus invites all to come and drink deeply of His refreshing Love, and to wrap ourselves around this never-failing truth.

Perhaps this verse, which so simply states that "God Is Love," encapsulates the very essence of God and should be increasingly stirred-up in our hearts, knowing that those that rest, remain, abide, and dwell in His love by keeping their minds on Jesus, are assured that the Love of God will rest, remain, abide, and dwell in their hearts; encouraging, providing, upholding, leading, refreshing, comforting, and supporting. For God Is Love.

My Prayer

Loving Father, I praise You for Your heart of love that is open towards me, and for the many ways that You shower Your love into my life. Keep me ever mindful of Your never-failing love and ever-abiding presence in my heart. Use me I pray, to stream Your gracious love through my life and out to the weary and thirsty souls that You place in my path. This I ask in Christ's name and for His greater glory, AMEN.

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