What Does Philippians 1:19 Mean?

for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

Philippians 1:19(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Love is reflected in unity, just as envy and strife are the opposite sides of the same coin. Paul rejoiced to know that the gospel of Christ was being shed abroad (even though some teachers opposed Paul's ministry and taught about Jesus out of envy and strife), for Paul rejoiced that men and women were being saved by grace through faith in Christ.

When the gospel of grace was taught by those that opposed Paul's God-ordained ministry out of jealousy or hatred (and even though these teachers were instrumental in many of the trials and tribulations Paul had to face in his ministry to the Gentiles), he was able to write: "For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance."

Paul knew that the plans and purposes of God would never be thwarted, even though believers may be called upon to endure suffering and persecutions inflicted by fellow-believers. Paul reckoned that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, and so while incarcerated in a prison cell, he was able to write: "For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers, and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."

What a gracious attitude we discover in the apostle Paul. He did not harbour bitterness against those that oppressed and opposed him, but demonstrated godly love and a desire to see the gospel of God spread far and wide, whether it was preached from a heart of goodwill (that reflected the spirit of Christ) or taught due to envy, contention, and jealously of Paul's God-ordained ministry.

Although Paul vehemently opposed, challenged, and corrected the many false gospels that were infiltrating the Christian Church, he had learned the lesson: "All things work together for good to those that are the called, according to God's good purpose."

But Paul also knew the importance and value of Christian prayer and was himself a wonderful example of a man who was constantly interceding on behalf of his brothers and sisters in Christ. He knew that our Father is a God Who hears and answers the prayer of His children, and so Paul encouraged the Philippian believers to intercede on his behalf, knowing that God would hear and answer their prayer and that his deliverance from prison would increase their faith, give great encouragement to the Body of Christ, and cause the gracious spirit of Christ to be formed in them.

The power of the Holy Spirit can be manifest in the life of all believers whose heart reflects the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, rather than permitting envy, strife, jealousy, or contentions to influence our behaviour.

When a man or ministry is founded on godly principles that lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ, and when earnest prayer, that reflects the love of God in the unity of the Spirit is offered, Christ will be magnified and the gospel will be preached.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I want to learn the lesson that all the things that happen in my life will be used by You, to Your praise and glory. Help me to keep my eyes off my immediate circumstances and to fix my eyes on Jesus, knowing that deliverance will always come in Your timing and in Your way. Teach me also of the value of prayers and intercessions for others which You use as a tool to increase my faith, forward Your kingdom, and draw me ever closer to Jesus, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.

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