For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.
Colossians 2:5(NASB)
We live in perilous times, when false teachings abound and Paul's message to the Colossian Christians reminded them that Christ is sufficient - even when we find ourselves battling unbiblical doctrine and the God-hating, Christ-rejecting world-view of the day.
No matter what problems we meet and no matter what situations we may have to face.. whether it be political, philosophical, religious, legalistic, economical, mystical or any other perversion of the truth - Paul's letter was to remind these believers that His grace is sufficient.
Although incarcerated in a Roman jail, Paul was prompted to write words of encouragement to this group of believers.. as well as word of warning and correction. For although Paul was absent from them in person, nevertheless his heart was with them.. Paul was with them in spirit and in truth and he not only lifted them up in prayer but put pen to paper in order to exhort, encourage.. teach and train.
Paul knew how persuasive words can be and how quickly a sugar-coated doctrine can cause the saints to stumble or stray from the truth, into the satanic trap of deception, laid by these false teachers. But his letter was designed to keep these believers focused on the truth, steadfast in their faith.. and looking to Jesus.
Paul may have been absent in the flesh but he was with these believers in his heart and in his spirit - and he rejoiced to see that they were united together in the truth of the glorious gospel of God. For although, Paul was absent from them in body.. yet his spirit was with them and he was delighted to witness their spiritual discipline and the solid front.. they presented by their unshakable faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
How important it is to be orderly and steadfast in our faith, such that nothing can shake our trust in the Lord, Who provides us with the sufficient grace and strength to face all eventualities. May we be faithful soldiers and servants - standing fast on the Word of God and unshaken by a world that is out of control.. due to their enmity with our good and gracious heavenly Father.
How blessed we are to know Christ as Lord.
Heavenly Father, thank You for those that have had an influence on my life.. I pray that I may remain disciplined in my Christian walk and steadfast in my faith, so that Christ may be seen in me. Use me I pray to His praise and glory.. this I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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