This beautiful passage, which is directed towards the people of Israel, announces, in tender language, that God has loved them with an everlasting love. It states that the Lord will certainly fulfil His pledge to re-gather His chosen people back into their own land. It is a reminder that He drew them to Himself in love and His love for them is everlasting. It gives them confidence that He will fulfil the promises He made to their forefather Abraham and His seed read more...
Jeremiah's prophetic ministry lasted for about fifty years. He was called by God to expose the nation's sin and to warn them of God's impending punishment for their gross apostasy, their captivity into Babylon, and their inevitable dispersion. But Jeremiah's warnings of holy discipline went unheeded by the vast majority.
Jeremiah started to
Jeremiah was the prophet who wept when he witnessed the downfall of Jerusalem, and the destruction of the temple. Warnings of apostasy flow through his writings, and he is the one who labelled the Great Tribulation as 'the Time of Jacob's trouble.'
He was also one of many prophets who spoke of Israel's restoration to the land. He prophesied that the captives of his people would be regathered back to their homeland. He spoke of the read more...