Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.
Philippians 4:1(NASB)
At the start of this final section of Paul's letter to the believers he loved so dearly at Philippi, and having encouraged them to live for Christ, to be like Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to continue in Christ, and to remember all that Christ has done for them, he finally calls them to stand fast in Christ.
Paul had a great love for all who had heard and accepted the gospel of grace through his ministry, and longed to see them again and to fellowship with them in person. Paul also knew that his faithful ministry to these believers was rooted in the eternal. They were his hope, they were his joy, and they were his crown of rejoicing, for Paul knew that one day they would rejoice together in the glorious presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul knew they were eternally secure through faith in Christ, but he wanted to encourage each of these Christians to stand fast and hold firm in their faith. He wanted them to be strong in the Lord and not to be moved by the circumstances of life, nor to be confounded by the evil ploys of the enemy.
And so, in the final section of his letter to the believers at Philippi, Paul calls them to stand firm in the Lord. And then he gives these believers some practical instruction on how to do this: "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
Following these practical instructions will help every believer to live for Christ, to be like Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to continue in Christ, and to remember all that Christ has done for us. Furthermore, we will experience God's peace "which passes all understanding," which will stand guard on our hearts and minds, enabling us to "stand firm in the Lord."
Each believer is a glorious trophy that has been rescued from the clutches of sin and death and brought into the family of God. Each of us are called to stand firm in the faith so that we can be used by God to tell others of the glorious gospel of Christ, both in word and in deed.
We are called to encourage those that are struggling, to pray for those that do not know Him, and to sow eternal seeds of hope, joy, and rejoicing in the hearts of all we meet so that together we will one day rejoice as we stand and worship our great King of kings and loving Lord of glory.
Loving Father, what a joy for Paul to write to the dear saints at Philippi, whom he considered as his joy and crown. I pray that I may live my life for Christ and stand fast in Him so that I be used by You to witness, in word and deed, to all with whom I come in contact today. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN
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