What Does John 6:56 Mean?

"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.

John 6:56(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Jesus is the living Bread, Who not only has Life in Himself but is the giver of Life and Who gave His Life as a ransom for many. Jesus is the Bread of Life, in Whom is life-everlasting, because He is the eternal God of all gods, Light of all lights, and Life of all life.

Jesus is the divine Bread from heaven Who came to earth in the likeness of sinful man, in order to give His sinless life as the ransom price for the sin of the world, for in Him alone is abundant, eternal life for those who trust in His name. The body of Christ was broken at the Cross for you and for me. He is the true life-Giver, and the only life-Sustainer, and all who believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God receive His life within.

Not only was His body broken for us, but the blood of Christ was also shed at Calvary. His precious blood not only covered the scarlet sins and shocking shame that separated us for ever from a holy and righteous God, but His very life became the propitiation for our sins so that in Christ our sins are forgiven forever, and have been removed as far as the east is from the west. And Christ's sacrifice of Himself on the Cross is sufficient.

Jesus so often used physical elements to teach deep spiritual truths for those that had ears to hear and eyes to see, but the Jews of His day could not separate the physical loaves-of-bread from the spiritual flesh-of-Christ. Nor could they disconnect the idea that a drink, which cleanses and refreshes the human body could spiritually be seen as the Blood of Christ, which cleanses us from all sin and which becomes a spring of living water, welling up into eternal life for all who will believe on His Name.

Many unbelieving Jews dismissed His teaching as the contemptible and foolish ramblings of, "Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth," Who was born out of wedlock, but the inability to differentiate the physical from the spiritual also shocked and confused many of His own followers, and so many left Him and walked with Him no more.

But when we who have trusted Jesus as our Saviour recognise the enormity of this truth, we come to realise that the more we eat, ingest, imbibe, and drink of Christ Jesus our living Redeemer, the more He comes to dwell in our heart by faith and live His life in us, as an abiding reality.

The closer we draw to Him, the more staggering His broken body and shed blood becomes: "For He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus not only has life in Himself, but is the Giver of life to all who trust in Him as Saviour. Thank You that He is the living Bread Who came down from heaven as our Bread of Life and gave His life as a ransom for many. Thank You that in Him I have life, abundant life, eternal life. In His name I pray, AMEN.

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