But He said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid."
John 6:20(NASB)
Jesus was going about doing good. He authenticated His claim to be Israel's Messiah through the many signs and wonders He performed... in fulfilment of Bible prophecy. People wondered if He was the coming great Prophet about whom Moses spoke. Like Moses, He fed the people in the wilderness and promised to save them from their sins... and so great multitudes followed Him... wondering if He could be the promised Son of David.
But despite being eye-witnesses to many amazing miracles and hearing the gracious words He spoke, Christ's disciples did not understand Who He was and why He was here. They had just participated in the feeding of the 5000 and were full of joy and rejoicing... but Christ withdrew to the hillside to pray. Before this special time of prayer, Jesus compelled His little band of disciples to get into the fishing boat and sail to Bethsaida, on the far side of Lake Galilee... and then He withdrew to a mountain to pray.
However, once on the lake, the winds whipped up a mighty storm causing these well-weathered fishermen considerable concern. They strained at the oars and were fearful of their very lives... as the fierce winds and mighty waves pounded their little craft. Midnight was long past and their little boat was being tossed about mercilessly on a raging sea, when to their horror they saw a ghost-like figure walking towards them on the water... and they cried out in fear.
But it was the Lord Jesus Who approached them, demonstrating once again, that He was the Lord of nature Who could turn water to wine, multiply loaves and fishes, direct sickness and diseases to flee away, and command the very howling winds and raging waves to be still. And so, He called out to the terrified crew not to be afraid, saying, "it is I - fear not, I Am."
Once again we see Christ's declaration of deity. Once more we discover His divine nature as the all-knowing, all-powerful, ever present God, through His authoritative declaration, "fear not, I AM." As children of the most high God, we should never fear the fierce storms of life, for we have His promise to be with us - for He is the great I AM.
The Bible reminds us 365 times to not be afraid, but to trust in our Creator God and glorious Saviour Jesus Christ, for He created all things by the word of His mouth and He upholds all things by the strength of His infinite power. By grace through faith in Christ's redeeming work, we have been made His children, and as such, we have many precious promises from our heavenly Father which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Word of God and the signs and miracles Christ performed, are our great assurance that He is our Provider and Deliverer, our Sustainer and our Helper. Today we are pressed about by many difficulties and dangers, both at home and abroad, but the Word of God and the truth of Christ gives all Who are His children, the greatest hope and unfailing help in the midst of the most difficult and dangerous of circumstances of life.
Let us always look to Jesus and reflect on all He is and all He has promised... for His Word is true and His promises are sure. Let us keep our eyes looking to Jesus and away from the circumstances of life, knowing that He is with us and will never fail us nor forsake us - for our hope is not in this world and our trust should not be in ourselves. Our hope is in our heavenly Saviour, Jesus Christ the righteous.
Heavenly Father, how wonderful to know that You are my Provider and Deliver, my Sustainer and Helper, my Hope and Strength, my Lord and my God. As the difficulties and dangers at home and abroad seem to increase with every passing day, I pray that my eyes will be looking away from the circumstances of life, which can become so overwhelming, by keeping the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus Who created all things by the word of His mouth, upholds all things by the strength of His infinite power, and holds me fast in the palm of His hands - to Whom be all honour and glory, AMEN.
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