What Does John 5:30 Mean?

"I can do nothing on My own initiative As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

John 5:30(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The Lord Jesus is God incarnate. He is equal in honour, glory, majesty, and power with the God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He is the second member of the triune Godhead, but this verse gives a beautiful glimpse into the incredible sacrifice that Christ made in order to save His people from their sins. He set aside His heavenly glory and almighty power, and only said and did those things that He heard from the Father.

This verse gives a glimpse behind the scene of what the immortal, invisible, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent Son of God did in order to be born into the human race, to live as the perfect, Son of Man, and to die as the innocent Sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. He set aside His own will to carry out the will of the Father.

Indeed, the Lord Jesus in His earthly mission and ministry is the singular demonstration of how God expects all His children to live. We were created to live in utter dependence upon our heavenly Father, in complete submission to the Word of God and in total surrender to the will of the Almighty. And Christ's life is a testimony of the way God desires all men to live.

Jesus Christ lived His entire life in willing surrender to the leading and guiding of the Father and His entire ministry demonstrated His Messianic claims and served and a dependable witness to His God-given authority. But the religious Jews were jealous of Jesus and purposed both individually and collectively to discredit His ministry and destroy His witness. But God's plans and purposes are never thwarted by the mean manipulations of mortal man, and Christ's redemptive mission can never be halted by Satan's evil ploys.

Jesus had just healed a man who had been physically disabled for 38 years, but because this wonderful miracle was carried out on the Sabbath day, the Jews sought to destroy Him. They considered this healing as 'work' which they considered broke the Sabbath Law. But far from breaking God's Sabbath Law, Christ was faithfully carrying out the work and will of the Father; for Christ only said and did those things that He heard from His Father in heaven.

"I can do nothing on My own initiative," Jesus informed them, for He was living His life as God created man to live, in total dependence on the Father, only doing those things He heard from God. It was God's will that this man should be healed on a Sabbath day, and what is man that they should argue against their Creator and accuse God!

The Son was in continuous and perfect unity with the Father, such that He carried out the will of the Father without fail. The Lord Jesus was One with the Father in spirit and in truth and so He was well able to judge correctly what to do, and His judgement was just and right because it flawlessly reflected the perfect will of the Father - every time. Jesus was well able to say: "As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him Who sent Me."

The Lord Jesus in His earthly mission and ministry is the singular demonstration of how God expects all His children to live: doing nothing in and of ourselves, but only doing and saying those things that we hear from Him. May we seek to follow His example only saying and doing what we hear from the Lord so that we may be able to say: "My judgement is just because I do not seek my own will, but the will of my Father in heaven."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for Jesus, my perfect example of how I should live to Your praise and glory. Help me to do only those things that are pleasing to You, so that in all things so that I am enabled to say without fear and failure, "Thy will not mine be done." This I ask in Jesus' name. AMEN.

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