What Does James 1:12 Mean?

Blessed is a man who endures trials, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that He has promised to those who love Him.

James 1:12(HCSB)

Verse of the Day

It is trials and tribulation in the life of a Christian that refines our trust in God and increases our dependence upon the Lord. The personal difficulties and dangers that we face in our everyday life, and our reaction to the distresses and despair of others is often the determining factor of whether we hold fast to what we believe of Christ's sufficient strength OR whether we allow seeds of doubt to darken our hearts to the goodness of God. And when we doubt, we become tossed to and fro in a sea of uncertainty: "But blessed is the man who endures such trials and tribulations, in the power of His might, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to all who love Him."

We have a vicious enemy that is seeking to shipwreck our faith in the goodness of God. His strategy is to plant seeds of doubt in the mind of all believers so that their life is not fruitful, nor honouring to the Lord Who bought them. But the trials and tribulations that are designed by the enemy to unsteady our faith, can be used as the catalyst to strengthen our trust in God if we will but persevere in His sufficient strength, for this brings honour to our Father in heaven and an eternal reward for those that patiently endure.

We do not have the capacity to stand firm in this evil day in our own strength, but Christ has promised that His grace is sufficient. And when we do hold fast to the precious promises of God and remain anchored to the truth of His holy Word, we will not be tossed about like a frothy wave in a sea of doubt, but will be anchored to the truth of His sufficient grace.

No matter what the status of a believer is, it is imperative that we are rooted and grounded in Christ and not reliant on our own sufficiency and strength. The one that is rich should never trust in his riches but trust in the Lord with all his heart and not rely on his own bank-balance, influence, education, or positions to hold him steady. Similarly, the poor man must never lose sight of the truth that God had given us everything we need for life and godliness and that in Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing: "For greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."

The difficulties we face in life can trip us up and tempt us into doubt and despair, but blessed is the man who endures these trials and tribulations: "Because when he has passed the test he will receive the magnificent crown of life, which the Lord our God has promised to all who love him."

Let us praise God for His goodness and grace and seek to stand firm in Christ and hold fast to the promises of God, for our eternal benefit and to His greater glory.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray that in Your sufficient grace I will stand firm in this evil day and in Your strength, I will patiently endure all the trials and tribulations that the enemy throws in my path. And what an amazing blessing to look forward to that after enduring temptations by relying on Your strength, You will reward me with the crown of life. Lord, Your blessings and love for me are more than I could hope or imagine. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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