James 3 Devotional Commentary

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James 3:1

James 3:1

The epistle of James was probably written by Christ's younger half-brother and is considered to be the first New Testament book to be penned. It appears to rely more heavily on Christ's own, pre-Cross teachings to Israel, rather than focussing on post-Cross revelation to the Church, which was mainly given through Paul and the other apostles of Christ.

However, there is much important teaching in this little letter that we would read more...

James 3:4

James 3:4

The tongue is a very small instrument but it can be extremely influential, both for good and for evil. In the book of Proverbs, we find many examples where the tongue can be used for good - but it also describes the harmful mischief-making and untold damage that a deceitful, gossiping, murmuring, or lying tongue can inflict on an innocent victim.

The tongues of the righteous can give great encouragement and instruction, help and read more...

James 3:6

James 3:6

Following Christ's Resurrection, James, the half-brother of Jesus, believed the gospel of grace and became the leader of the Church in Jerusalem. But throughout Christ's earthly life, James had been critical of his half-brother's ministry and at times, he mocked Christ's Messianic claims. Little wonder that much of the epistle of James touches on areas of Christian living that would be close to the heart of this repentant man who identified as a bond-slave of read more...

James 3:10

James 3:10

We are required by God to conduct our lives with godly wisdom and spiritual understanding, but the most unruly evil, which is incapable of being subdued by self-effort or rigorous training, is the taming of the tongue.

This little organ can produce the most beautiful blessings which give glory of God, while at the same time can pour forth the most un-sanctified filth and blasphemy which discredits His holy name. These things ought read more...

James 3:13

James 3:13

There is a significant difference between true wisdom and false wisdom; between wisdom from above and the wisdom of the world. The world too often equates wisdom with knowledge, but godly wisdom is given from above, as the Spirit of God directs the steps of a man and guides him in his actions and attitude.

Wisdom does not depend on how much knowledge a man manages to acquire but on how a man conducts himself in his everyday life. read more...

James 3:14

James 3:14

James had been calling believers to zealously guard their words and actions. He encouraged them to demonstrate this through both their righteous conduct and gentle wisdom. Being zealous for the things of God and having a passion for that which is honest and true is a good thing. However, when one's passion is diverted into egotistical self-seeking, or follows in an ungodly direction, it can have a devastating effect, and so James warns, "But if you have bitter read more...

James 3:16

James 3:16

There are certain character traits that are earthly, fleshly, sensual, and demonic, and there are those that are heavenly, spiritual, holy, and godly. Only those that are born again believers who walk in spirit and truth, are enabled to display the good and godly attributes that come from above, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Both unsaved sinners and carnal Christians who carry out the works of the flesh, can read more...

James 3:17

James 3:17

James was a man who gave the Church much good advice. He reminded believers that God is generous to all and will give wisdom willingly and uncritically to everyone who asks Him for it, in faith. He expands his treatise on wisdom by contrasting the wisdom of the world with the wisdom that comes from above, and pointing out that true wisdom is demonstrated by a man's good and gracious conduct, by his noble works, and by his gracious conversation. James also adds that read more...