What Does Exodus 3:2 Mean?

The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.

Exodus 3:2(NASB)
Picture courtesy of Sweet Publishing

Verse of the Day

The Lord prepared Moses for 80 years before he was used of God to lead the people of Israel out of Egyptian slavery and across the Red Sea, on their journey to the Promised Land. His first 40 years were living as a prince in the palaces of Pharaoh, while he spent the next 4 decades herding sheep for his father-in-law, Jethro, in the land of Midian.

God not only raised Moses, but trained and prepared him to lead His people for the final 40 years of his life. To become faithful in administrating God's house as a true ministering servant of the Lord, he must set aside his royal privileges forever and humility of heart had to be cultivated in his role as a simple herdsman, while God fashioned and honed his character into the great prophet he became.

The plight of his people had become increasingly severe since Moses fled from Pharaoh for the murder of an Egyptian guard who was harassing an Israelite slave. But finally, Moses was sufficiently prepared to become God's spokesman in Egypt, and demand that Pharaoh: "Let My people go!"

It was on Mount Horeb: "The Angel of the LORD appeared to Moses in a blazing fire, in the midst of a bush." There are many bush-fires in the scorching desert, but this was different from anything mortal eye had ever seen before: "For as he looked, behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed."

When God chooses to get someone's attention, He is able to use a natural phenomenon in a supernatural way. No doubt at the age of 80, Moses considered his life all but over, and yet as he led Jethro's flock to the west side of the wilderness, he came to Horeb, the 'mountain of God'. 

Later, we discover that this very mountain would be the same place the finger of God would carve out the Ten Commandments for His covenant people on two tablets of stone, following their miraculous escape from Egypt on that first Passover night.

I am sure when Moses set out on his journey, with his shepherd's crook and flock of sheep, he did not expect to see a burning bush that was not consumed, nor be commissioned by Almighty God to rescue His people from Egypt. I am sure he did not expect to find himself standing on holy ground, nor hear the voice of God thunder from the flames, "I AM THAT I AM." Yet on that day: "The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed."

Moses was an ordinary man with an extraordinary God Who used him to great effect because he harkened to the call. May we be ready and willing to be raised and trained, prepared, fashioned, and honed so that we are enabled to carry out the work that God has prepared for us to do. And may we be faithful servants in our service to Him, for who knows what God has prepared for us to do if we are ready and willing to respond to His call?  

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, what a long period of training Moses had to undergo to be prepared for the work You destined to do in his life. At times I am so impetuous and want things done in my life immediately, and yet I realise You take time to call and train, fashion and hone Your servants, in the things You have prepared for them to do. Develop that same patient spirit and humble heart I see in Moses, and remove from my character anything that dishonours Your holy name. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.

Picture courtesy of Sweet Publishing

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