And don't grieve God's Holy Spirit, who sealed you for the day of redemption.
Ephesians 4:30(HCSB)
Paul tells us early in Ephesians that whoever believes in Christ as Saviour, is sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise when we first believe. And he builds on this truth when he tells us that we are sealed permanently until the day of redemption.
What an assurance to know that God the Holy Spirit has sealed us and will keep us sealed until Christ comes to claim us as His own. A seal is an official stamp on an important document. And we have been officially sealed by the Spirit of God.
A seal is also a brand, an unfading imprint that designates ownership. The high price God paid for us was the precious blood of His own Son, Jesus Christ, and the moment we believed in Him, we were sealed with His stamp of full ownership and approval.
Another use of the word seal is that of securing a parcel to ensure its safe arrival at its foreordained destination, and because we have been securely sealed by the Spirit of God, we have full assurance that we will one day arrive safely at our heavenly destination.
What blessed assurance to know that nothing can pluck us out of His hand. How wonderful to be able to rest in the knowledge that our eternity is secure.
Never let us doubt the security we have in our salvation, for we have been sealed by the Spirit of God unto the day of our redemption.
Loving Father, forgive me for the times that I doubt my assurance in You and Your love, and thank You sealing me unto the day of redemption. Help me to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
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