Ephesians 3 Devotional Commentary

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Ephesians 3:1

Ephesians 3:1

In the first few chapters of Ephesians, Paul gives us the most exciting overview of our position in Christ. He lists many of the incredible privileges and blessings that are ours by faith in Him, and which the Lord has showered upon all of us in great abundance. He praises God for the bountiful supply of spiritual blessings that are ours by faith in Him. 

Paul was writing to the Ephesians from his prison cell in Rome. read more...

Ephesians 3:2

Ephesians 3:2

Despite being in prison for the sake of the gospel of Christ, Paul pens three amazing chapters in Ephesians that outline the incredible privileges and position that Christians have in Christ Jesus our Lord, before instructing us on how to live in this Church age.

Paul became a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus and to him was given the majority of Church-age doctrine. Even the apostle Peter recognised that there were things read more...

Ephesians 3:3

Ephesians 3:3

For two wonderful chapters, Paul outlines the gospel of God, where believers have been placed in union with Chris, such that Jews and Gentiles together have become one Body in Christ.

He started to explain that his imprisonment was for the sake of this gospel, which he reminded them was specially and uniquely revealed from God to the Church through Paul himself. He then began to point out the importance of this new, special read more...

Ephesians 3:4

Ephesians 3:4

Paul has just finished three glorious chapters telling us all about our precious position in Christ and the wonderful privileges that are ours in Him. He tells of our redemption through the blood of the Lord Jesus, our changed relationship to God, the birthright we have in Him, and the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit Who guides us unto all truth.

He tells us of the riches of God's grace towards us, the mystery of His will to read more...

Ephesians 3:5

Ephesians 3:5

In this magnificent letter to the Ephesians, Paul explains in great detail the mystery that was hidden from ages and generations, but which has now been revealed to us.. through Paul, and God's other New Testament apostles and prophets - and rightly so, for Paul was given a unique, if not exclusive position in the Church - which is called Christ's body. Following Christ's death, resurrection, ascension and glorification we discover the murderous Saul of Tarsus read more...

Ephesians 3:6

Ephesians 3:6

The wealth that all believers have in Christ is described in incredible depth and wondrous beauty in the first three chapters of Ephesians. This is followed by instruction to believers on the application of these glorious truths, which are found in the last three chapters of this book.

But this verse outlines the core truth of the message of the Cross: that members of the Body of Christ, which is the Church, all enjoy equal read more...

Ephesians 3:7

Ephesians 3:7

Paul was commissioned to deliver a sacred secret to the believers at Ephesus, a mystery that had been hidden for ages and generations, but which was entrusted to him and other holy apostles of Christ's.

Indeed it was for the sake of this marvellous message of the cross and the glorious truth that the gospel of Christ, which was now opened to believing Gentiles as well as believing Jews.. for which Paul was imprisoned. And this read more...

Ephesians 3:8

Ephesians 3:8

Paul was not one of the twelve men chosen by the Lord Jesus to be a disciple during His earthly life. He was not one of the multitude who was baptised by John unto repentance early in Christ's ministry. He was not a man like Matthias, who accompanied the apostles during the time that Jesus went in and out among them all... and Paul was not one of the crowd who were cut to the heart on that first day of Pentecost when the men of Israel realised that they had read more...

Ephesians 3:9

Ephesians 3:9

The first part of Paul's ministry was to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. The second aspect of his calling was to help us understand, "the administration of the mystery." Paul was anointed of God to open up the gospel to the Gentiles... and to explain the mystery of God which had been hidden from past generations, but which had now been revealed to the world through Paul and the other apostles.

Just as

Ephesians 3:10

Ephesians 3:10

Israel had a special and unique ministry, which was given to them by God. They were His people, and He was their God, and they were called and chosen to be a light to the Gentiles. They were to shed abroad the wonders of His name and proclaim throughout the world the glorious news of salvation by grace through faith to those who were dead in sin.

The whole earth has been lying in the evil one, ever since Adam sinned in the garden read more...

Ephesians 3:11

Ephesians 3:11

The mystery of the Church was in God's heart and mind from the beginning, but there was a special reason why the Lord kept the 'dispensation of the grace of God' a secret during his earthly ministry. Indeed, it was kept hidden from ages and generations - and cleverly concealed from angelic beings, invisible powers, and the prince of the power of the air.

The formation of the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is a wisdom which read more...

Ephesians 3:12

Ephesians 3:12

What a privilege it is to be a Christian - a part of the Church - a living stone - a member of the Body of Christ. What an honour to be a child of God, be seated in heavenly places in Christ, and clothed in His robes of righteousness. What amazing grace that a sinner such as I can boldly and confidently enter the throne-room of the Most High God. What a glorious responsibility that I can come near the throne of grace and find mercy to help in time of need. What a read more...

Ephesians 3:14

Ephesians 3:14

At the start of the third chapter of Ephesians Paul was about to kneel before the Lord and earnestly pray for the Christians in Ephesus.. that according to God's riches in glory they would be strengthened in the inner man with all might.. through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Paul's desire was that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith, and that each one might be rooted and grounded in love - so that they may read more...

Ephesians 3:15

Ephesians 3:15

Paul was a man of prayer and no matter where he went. Whether he was free or chained-up in a Roman jail, he would bow his knee and surrender his heart to his heavenly Father and glorified Lord.

Posture is not important when we pray to God. Whether we stand to pray or sit; whether we knee or lift up a silent plea as we go about our daily business a humble heart that overflows with reverence, praise, worship, and thanksgiving is read more...

Ephesians 3:16

Ephesians 3:16

Paul was a man who interceded for others in the body of Christ and often we discover him to be lifting up Christian brothers and sisters in pleading prayer ..earnestly asking the Lord that all who are born from above might mature in the faith, grow in grace and in accordance with the riches of God's super-abundant glory and His perfect will. He prays that they may be strengthened with all-power in the inner man.. through the might and merit of the Holy read more...

Ephesians 3:17

Ephesians 3:17

Once again - superlatives and fullness flood this passage in Ephesians, identifying the body of believers, "which is the church," as the temple of God. We are called to be His holy habitation, "so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith." We are His appointed resting-place, wherein He will dwell, through time and into eternity.

God's chosen dwelling-seat is the inner

Ephesians 3:18

Ephesians 3:18

Paul desires that the spiritual awareness of the saints of God is all-embracing, such that we are able to comprehend the supernatural, multi-dimensional, breadth, length, height, and depth of God's love - through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.

He had personally experienced this immeasurable love of God himself, for despite his cruel persecution of the Church, God in His grace had chosen Paul to be His own mouthpiece. He read more...

Ephesians 3:19

Ephesians 3:19

The dimensions of Christ's love for His Church are unfathomable and enfold all those who will trust in His name for salvation, whether they be Jew or Gentile, bond or free, male or female, black or white, young or old.

But Christ's love for the Church was a mystery that was hidden from past generations, and yet it was revealed to Paul on our account so that we might know for certain the incomprehensible love of Christ. This love read more...

Ephesians 3:20

Ephesians 3:20

For three glorious chapters, Paul has been outlining the riches of God's grace towards His people, explaining our privileged position in Christ and reminding us of the love of God which passes all human understanding, before he implores us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called, to the praise and glory of God the Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

He has been expounding the length and breadth

Ephesians 3:21

Ephesians 3:21

The Lord our God is worthy of all glory and honour for innumerable reasons, not least because of Who He is and what he has done for the children of men. In Romans, we rejoice at the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. We are reminded of His unsearchable judgments and unfathomable ways. No one knows the mind of the Lord. No one can become His counsellor, as Paul reminds us, for the Lord is no man's debtor. No wonder the apostle cries out: read more...