1 Timothy 6 Devotional Commentary

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1 Timothy 6:3

1 Timothy 6:3

There seems to be an increasing number of Christians in this Church dispensation who find part of the gospel of Christ unpalatable... refusing to use words like 'sin' and 'hell', 'repentance' and 'sacrifice' - for fear of offending anyone. Many like to speak forth their own supernaturally imparted 'wisdom' while denouncing the Word of God as an outdated historical document that is better left on the shelf for posterity.


1 Timothy 6:4

1 Timothy 6:4

Paul insists that we teach what is in accord with sound doctrine, and throughout the Word of God we are alerted to the importance of correct, biblical teaching. Indeed, we are warned of the consequences of being swayed by a different doctrine, which does not agree with the unchangeable truth that is written in the Word of God for our learning.

There are those that deliberately distort God's Word and teach a false gospel for their read more...

1 Timothy 6:6

1 Timothy 6:6

Disunity within the Church generally emanates from a disagreement of doctrine. Too often when there is discord among believers, it is connected with an alternative interpretation of the Scriptures.

Throughout his writings, we recognise that many of the false doctrines that Paul needed to correct, stemmed from proud people reading into God's Word what they wanted it to say. Instead of interpreting the Word of God literally and in context (exegesis), they read more...

1 Timothy 6:7

1 Timothy 6:7

The passing and transient nature of fallen humanity, on a cursed earth, is restated in many passages in the Bible. The grass withers in the field, and is soon cast into the furnace, while the beauty of a flower quickly fades away. The present heaven and earth are also transient and will one day pass away, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are lasting and eternal.

Wealth and riches are

1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:10

Too often, Bible verses or passages of Scripture are taken out of context or misquoted, which distorts the meaning and can cause confusion to believers and unbelievers alike.

This verse in Timothy is one such example, which is both misquoted and altered. Indeed, songs have been written with the unbiblical words, 'money is the root of all evil' rather than the truth: "The LOVE of money is A root of all sorts of evil."


1 Timothy 6:12

1 Timothy 6:12

Timothy was entrusted, by Paul, to be pastor of the church at Ephesus, but being the leader of a Christian community in the first century under Roman rule was no easy task, and Paul's letter to this 'son in the faith' contained personal encouragement, many warnings, and a lot of wise instruction on how to deal with a myriad of theological and practical issues that Timothy was likely to meet as he shepherded the little flock of believers in their spiritual journey read more...

1 Timothy 6:16

1 Timothy 6:16

Men and women of God are given an abundance of wise instruction on how to live godly lives throughout the New Testament Scriptures, and in the final part of his first epistle to Timothy, Paul sums up many of these important instructions and wise exhortations on godliness.

We are to shun false teachers and flee from the proud arguments and empty philosophies of this world system. We are to flee from worldly pursuits and pursue read more...

1 Timothy 6:17

1 Timothy 6:17

All wisdom is from God, and all that we need for our learning is given in His Word. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and a knowledge of the holy One gives understanding – but godly wisdom is rooted in faith and faith always comes back to trusting the Lord at all times and for all things. It is when we stray from the path of trusting God by putting our hope in an alternative provision like our own flawed, human wisdom or our own accumulated read more...