The Lord Jesus told many stories and parables. Some were designed so that those whose hearts were hardened against the Lord and His anointed Christ, would hear with their ears, but be deaf to its real meaning. They would have eyes to see and yet would be blinded to the truth. They would hearken to the story but miss the message... and fail to understand the glorious gospel of the kingdom and the gracious offer of salvation that came from the Lord of glory.
Having rejected: 1) The prophetic warning of John the Baptist to turn from their sins and produce righteous fruit. 2) The heavenly witness of the Father and the Spirit at His baptism. 3) The undeniable testimony of His messianic signs as proof of His heavenly calling, the leadership of Israel were further berated by Christ. He exposed the sinful desires of the leadership of Israel, which were to destroy the Lord Jesus Christ and claim His inheritance for read more...
From the beginning of His ministry to the day of His death, the controversy between the liberty of the gospel of God and the restrictive traditions of Judaism, raged.
As the day for Christ's betrayal and crucifixion drew ever closer, the various schools of Judaism conspired to indict the Lord Jesus under a civil or religious statute. They plotted together to make a prolonged attack on the Lord Jesus Christ, in an attempt to read more...
Although the majority of the Jewish leadership were against the Lord Jesus and conspired how to get rid of Him, there were those from the ruling classes who were convicted by Christ's words and who sought the truth. Elsewhere we read of Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and others who were secret disciples of Christ. And here we discover a young man who was a teacher of the Law who was intrigued by the wisdom of Jesus.
This earnest
The very nature and heart of God is eternal LOVE and this sublime attribute permeates all His other superlative qualities. This greatest of all commands to LOVE the Lord our God, embraces and intertwines with every other facet of His beautiful, eternal character.
Love is the alpha and headspring of the fruit of the spirit. Love is the superlative and pre-eminent affection of the soul. Love is the peak and pinnacle of a life that read more...
The Pharisees did all they could to discredit the Messianic claims of the Lord Jesus by asking difficult questions. His claim to be God offended them, and their devious enquiry was designed trip Him up, but in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and they were astonished at His gracious replies.
But in response, He silenced the leaders of the Jews with a question that supported His claims to deity. The read more...