What a lovely example of a servant of the Lord, Joshua proved to be. He was one of two adults who did NOT dishonour the Lord in the wilderness wanderings, through murmuring and unbelief. He was also one of twelve agents sent to spy out the land of Canaan.. but only Joshua and Caleb gave a faithful report.. that the land was a good land and that God was well able to deliver it into their hands.
Joshua was the man whom God
Moses was the man God chose to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and into Canaan. For four hundred years the Israelites had dwelled in the land of Egypt, but over time they became an enslaved people. However, God remembered the promise He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; that He would give them the land of Canaan and make them into a great nation through whom all the families of the earth would be blessed.
For eighty
This verse tells us of the encouraging promise that God gave to Joshua when he led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and into the Promised Land. This precious promise is no less true for God's people today who have been rescued from slavery to sin and subjection to Satan, than it was for His people who were in servitude to Pharaoh and slaves in the land of Egypt, and it all comes down to a matter of faith in God's promises - of trusting His Word - of read more...
All Scripture is the Word of God, and Joshua was an example of a godly man who both believed God's Word and acted upon it. Joshua knew the value of hearing God's Word and meditating upon it. He knew that neglecting the Word of the Lord was a recipe for disaster and like Mary of Bethany, he learned the one thing that was needful, to listen to the voice of the Lord and to meditate upon all that He has said day and night. And like them, we too need to ponder it in our read more...
The commands of the Lord are not difficult or tedious to those that trust in the Word of the Lord. The instructions from God are not impossible or unrealistic to those that are called by His name. Joshua was commanded to be strong and courageous. He was to draw his strength from the Lord God and was not to be dependent on his own brains or brawn. Had Joshua or the people of Israel sought to conquer the Promised Land by means of their own courage and strength, read more...
Joshua was given the daunting task of leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land. For forty years, he witnessed the rebellious unbelief of an entire generation, all of whom had been buried in the wilderness - with the exception of himself and Caleb who trusted the Lord.
He was tasked with bringing the second generation of Israelites into the land which was promised to Abraham as an everlasting possession. But Joshua's read more...