Following his corrective letter to the Corinthian Church, their spiritual recovery provided Paul an opportunity to boast about these brothers and sisters, to other Christians in Macedonia. However, there was one area of their Christian witness, which Paul wanted to address, very specifically. It was in connection with their financial giving, to the needy saints, at Jerusalem.
Persecution in the Holy City had increased, and many read more...
Legalistic rules about giving, together with the unbiblical 'word of faith' movement and its prosperity teaching has given Christians an unbiblical focus, dishonoured the glorious gospel of grace, and brought Christianity into disrepute. Legalism and prosperity teachings has placed many into bondage under unbiblical, man-made rules. It has twisted the truth of Scripture and dishonoured the lovely name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As Christians, we are not under the Law but under grace. We are encouraged to be generous in our gifts and giving, not as a legal requirement or because a percentage of our income is required to meet the demands of a church body or the dictums of a denomination, but simply because cheerful giving and wise generosity is something that delights the heart of the Lord Who has saved us by His grace and has given us all things to richly enjoy, due to His over-abundant read more...
As blood-bought children of God, we are of all people most blessed. Not only was the penalty for our sin paid in full, by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but also its suffocating power has been broken. The curse of the Law has been lifted, the sting of death has been removed, and we have been born into the family of God and become part of a totally new creation in Christ, with our sins forgiven and our eternal read more...
Although the Corinthian church started out with some severe criticism from Paul concerning their carnal attitude and argumentative ways, we find at the close of his second letter, that Paul is able and willing to applaud their generosity and praise their Christian witness to their brothers and sisters in Christ.
In his first letter, Paul's teaching was interspersed with chidings and correction, while at the close of this second read more...
A gift for which payment must be made is not a gift. It is a purchase, an acquisition, needing to be paid for, needing to be bought with a price. A gift is something that is given freely, given without any strings attached, otherwise it cannot be called a gift. Christ Jesus was God's free gift of grace to every member of the human race.
A gift that is not accepted is still a gift. Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, read more...