Therefore, get your minds ready for action, being self-disciplined, and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:13(HCSB)
Having summarised the position and privileges of the believer and the glory of our salvation, the apostle Peter exhorts Christians to live their lives in a godly manner, and points out the responsibilities and duties that are incumbent on all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
As believers we are called to 'gird-up our minds' so that we are ready for every eventuality that may overtake us in our Christian walk. We are to gather up our thoughts, guard our thinking, and not permit our minds to wander from the truth of God's Word. A girded mind is one that is ready for action and is not easily influenced by the ungodly mind-set of those around us, nor is unsettled by any unbiblical and hostile worldview.
Peter knew that when we are faced with difficulties and dangers, our hearts can become unsettled and our minds confused. But in a Christ-rejecting sinful world that is at enmity with all that is godly, a girded mind is one that is composed, calm, unperturbed, and strong in the Lord. A girded mind is one that is flooded with the peace of God in the face of persecution, and a heart that is not influenced by the taunts and treatment of ungodly men.
We are further urged to be self-disciplined, self-controlled, sober, and stable in our walk with God which comes from a heart that is trusting the Lord, eyes that are looking to Jesus, and a life that is submitted to the Spirit and anchored on Christ, the Rock of our salvation.
But in the light of our present position and privileges in Christ, we are given one further, important step in our journey through life. We are to set our hope completely on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. We have an eternal inheritance that is kept for us in heaven, and we have an assurance from God Himself that Christ will one day return for His Church. And we are to anchor our hope on this glorious truth.
We are to rest securely on the hope of Christ promise to return for His own. We not only have confidence that Christ will come for His saints at the Rapture of the Church, but also we have an assurance in His Word, that the Lord Jesus will be revealed in glory. This will happen when He comes to earth with His saints to set up His Millennial Kingdom: "When the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea."
Heavenly Father, how I praise Your holy name for our position in Christ and the privileges that come with being in Him. I pray that I may learn to gird up my mind and guard my thinking, day by day, so that I am not tossed about by the storms of life not unsettled by the things that are happening in our world today. I pray that I may be sober and steadfast in my walk and not influenced by the ungodly worldview that has permeated every area of this world. May I keep the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus, knowing that He is soon to be revealed at His coming, to His praise and glory, AMEN.
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