What Does Titus 2:1 Mean?

But you must speak what is consistent with sound teaching.

Titus 2:1(HCSB)
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Verse of the Day

Both Timothy and Titus were young pastors who were exhorted to preach the Word, and were warned of the dangers of false teachers and unscriptural doctrines. Indeed, their speech, their actions, their attitudes, and even their motives were to accord to godliness and to reflect sound doctrine and wholesome teachings, both of which are firmly anchored to scriptural facts in the Word of God.

Paul was God's chosen vessel to expound post-Cross, Church-age doctrine and Christian principles, which apply in this dispensation of grace. Like us, these young pastors of the early Church were urged to hold fast to the faithful Word of God which was taught by Paul and Christ's other apostles so that they were enabled to exhort and challenge all who contradicted the sound teachings of the Word of truth. And if anyone advocated a different doctrine which did not agree with the sound words of Scripture, Paul described such as one as: "Conceited, understanding nothing, and having a sick interest in disputes and arguments."

Titus was a true son in the common faith, which was given to us by the apostles and prophets of the early Church, and which contrasts sharply with the unbiblical teachings of false ministers which too often are founded on the sinking sands of fleshly experiences, fluctuating feelings, ever-changing opinions, fleshly propensities, carnal presumptions, and extra-biblical 'revelations'.

False doctrine however, leads us astray from the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and sets us adrift from the secure moorings of scriptural facts. False doctrine infects and contaminates the spiritual Body of Christ in the same way that germs and viruses seriously infect or injure our physical bodies, and Paul describes these false teachers as: "Idle talkers and deceivers who distort the Word of truth and subvert whole households for dishonest gain."

There are those within the professing Church that pour scorn on the teaching of sound Biblical doctrine which they foolishly consider inappropriate in our post-modern society, and so they offer a watered-down, ear-tickling social gospel with seeker-friendly teachings which distorts biblical truth and denies the Lord Who bought them. They profess to know God and can deliver motivational speeches, but in their lives they deny the Lord Jesus by twisting truth which disqualifies their profession of faith.

And so we, along with young pastors like Timothy and Titus, are warned of the dangers of importing false doctrine into the Church and feeding on the lies of false teachers. Rather, we are exhorted to speak that which is consistent with sound teaching. Let us stand fast in the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and take to heart this serious warning from Paul to preach the Word, rightly divide the Word, exhort and convict those who contradict and distort the Bible, and let the Word of truth dwell in our hearts richly. For the Word of God is living and powerful, and it is the only plumb-line for sound doctrine, Biblical truth, and spiritual growth.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You that You have given us Your Word and that in it we have all we need for life and godliness. Give me discernment to recognise and renounce false teachers and unbiblical doctrines, and help me to hold fast to that which is good and wholesome and which is consistent with sound doctrine. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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