Proverbs 18 Devotional Commentary

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  • Proverbs 18
Proverbs 18:10

Proverbs 18:10

The little book of Proverbs is overflowing with great truths which, if taken to heart by believers and applied to their every-day Christian life, would turn the tables on the wiles of the wicked one, whose evil desire is to render the witness of born-again believers as impotent.

God identified His name to Moses as: "I AM that I AM," for He is everything that we need in every area of life. One beautiful picture of read more...

Proverbs 18:15

Proverbs 18:15

The book of Proverbs can be sub-divided into categories in various ways. One section concentrates on the value of wisdom and the dangers of folly, while others give advice on things like practical morality, pleasing the Lord, the value of righteousness, the dangers of temptation, and the fruit of godly living. 

Chapter 18, touches on the benefit and reward of friendship, whilst warning of the drawback of living in isolation and read more...

Proverbs 18:24

Proverbs 18:24

Depending on the Bible translation, we discover: "A man who has friends must himself be friendly," and: "A man with too many friends will come to ruin." Both are true in their own right.

In the former, we are instructed that in order to have friends, we need to show friendship towards other people, while in the latter, we are informed that having a lot of 'fair-weather friends' can make us vulnerable, read more...