Nehemiah 8 Devotional Commentary

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  • Nehemiah 8
Nehemiah 8:2

Nehemiah 8:2

Nehemiah was a man who loved the Lord and was grieved to hear that the broken walls and burned gates of Jerusalem remained in ruins, despite the return of a small band of Jews under the leadership of Zerubbabel, decades earlier, and a second group of exiles who had returned 14 years before under the leadership of Ezra the scribe (a descendent from Eleanor, Aaron's third son).

The first seven chapters of his book, records the read more...

Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah had rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, and many Israelites had returned to their homeland following the nation's 70-year exile in Babylon. It was the first day of their new year (the feast of trumpets), and the apostate nation of Israel stood in the city square and started to listen to Ezra the priest reading the Word of the Lord. He read from the book of the Law that had been given by God to Israel.

As they listened