Israel were God's chosen people. They were promised blessings if they would trust and obey the Lord, but were warned of judgement and punishment if they became rebellious and disobedient. Scripture identifies 'the Day of the Lord' as a time when God not only punishes His people but also brings reconciliation.
In Old Testament times, we read of past judgement on the northern kingdom of read more...
Joel is the prophet who compares the coming Day of the Lord with a succession of locust invasions, which sequentially devour every crop and all vegetation in an unrelenting, progressive destruction.
Both grain and fruit harvests fail due to the devastating onslaught of this four-pronged locust infestation. The total destruction of Israel's wheat and barley crops, along with the failure of the entire fruit harvest, causes farmers read more...
The book of Joel was written to the Jews in exile. Joel likened some of the past terrors that Israel had experienced in their dispersion, to a plague of locusts. Much of his prophecy was future, and looked ahead to the coming 'Day of the Lord' when the devastating effects of the many plagues of locusts Joel described would be reversed, and the years which the locusts had eaten would be fully restored to Israel.
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This passage is talking about the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord' which starts with the 70th week of Daniel and continues throughout the entire 1000-year-long reign of Christ.
Though it is still future, the 'Day of the Lord' will begin with the 7-year Tribulation, when the world will experience the full force of God's wrath being poured out on a Christ-rejecting, God-hating, sinful world. But it will continue throughout read more...