What Does 2 Thessalonians 2:6 Mean?

And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed.

2 Thessalonians 2:6(NASB)

Verse of the Day

What reassurance Christians in Thessalonica received in Paul's first epistle about Christ's soon return. They were expecting to hear the trump of God and the voice of the archangel. They were awaiting Christ's coming in the clouds.

These believers were anticipating the resurrection of the 'Dead-in-Christ'. They were looking forward to being changed from mortal to immortal, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. They believed Paul's teachings on the resurrection of the dead, but their excitement quickly turned to concern as they began to fear they had missed the Rapture of the saints and had entered the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord'.

Christian persecution was increasing, and these dear saints feared that the Great Tribulation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, had already arrived. They had forgotten Paul's teachings that although we are not appointed to God's wrath, the Church will suffer during our waiting period: "All who live godly lives WILL suffer persecution." Jesus Himself taught: "In this world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

The Thessalonians had also mixed up teachings about the return of the Lord for His saints at the Rapture, when Jesus will meet us in the clouds, and the Second Coming of Christ, when He returns to earth with His saints, and He stands on the Mount of Olives and sets up His millennial reign in Jerusalem. The Thessalonians had confused the Rapture of the Church, that takes place BEFORE the Day of the Lord, with the second advent of Christ at the END of the Tribulation period.

Paul therefore had to write a second letter, correcting their erroneous notion and explaining their fears were invalid. He reminded them of his earlier teaching: that the Day of Lord could not arrive until after the wicked Antichrist was revealed. Currently, He is being held back: "And you know what restrains him now,"  Paul wrote, "so that in his time this wicked one will be revealed." 

Scripture teaches that the Restrainer of all evil is the Holy Spirit. He restrained the evil that Satan used against Job, just as he restrains evil in this present day. The Restrainer of evil may choose to use unsaved men to limit evil, like Cyrus and Artaxerxes, but most often, God uses the sacrificial prayers, presence, and praises of His saints, who cry out to Him day and night, and plead: "THY will be done." And just as God restrains evil to forward His perfect plans and purposes, so also He will remove that restraint of evil for the same reason!

As in the days of Noah and during the times of the judges, evil will be permitted by God, to increase. But as in the past, evil will continue to be restrained until wickedness reaches saturation point. God restrained evil in the days of Noah, UNTIL judgement fell, but Noah was removed from God's wrath. God restrained evil in the days of Lot, UNTIL judgement was sent, but Lot was saved from wrath that rained down on the cities.

Throughout Scripture, we see God using the prayers of saints like Noah, Lot, Elijah, and Daniel, to curtail evil. During this Church age, it is the prayers of Christians who have the indwelling Holy Spirit and pray into the will of Father in spirit and in truth, that continue to restrain the floodgates of evil from being fully flung open. But as in the past, God will allow unrestrained evil to bring about His will on earth. 

And when the restraining hand of the Holy Spirit is removed, THEN the wicked one, the Antichrist who will be empowered by Satan, will be revealed. Paul teaches that although 'the mystery lawlessness' is already at work in the world, the full force of unrestrained satanic evil will not be permitted to fall until the Church is removed: AND THEN unrestrained evil will be poured out upon the earth.

While the Day of the Lord will arrive unexpectedly for unbelievers like a thief in the night, Paul teaches that we who are looking for His any day return will not be surprised when He comes. Christ's return for the Church is our blessed hope, and we have been instructed to watch with joyful anticipation and wait expectantly for His return in the clouds. We are to be ready for the Rapture and the gathering together of His saints. We are to be saved from the wrath to come.

But during the waiting period, God will use the evil persecution of His children to be used to refine our faith and cause us to mature spiritually, as we trust in Him and hold fast to His Word.

His plans and purposes are beyond our understanding. Praise His holy name.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that evil continues to be restrained. Thank You that Your plans and purposes for the Church will continue to be carried out, by the Holy Spirit, through the prayers and praises of Your saints in this dispensation of grace. I pray that many would come to faith before the Restrainer of evil removes His hand of protection, and allows unrestrained evil to be unleashed on earth. Use me today, in the forwarding of Your plans, as I offer my life as a living sacrifice of prayer and praise to You, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name, I pray, AMEN.

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