In his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians, Paul was addressing Christians who were facing severe persecution and pressure. He was writing to correct a misunderstanding which was causing them to think that the day of the Lord, when the wrath of God is poured out on a sinful world, had begun! Paul was writing to allay the fear that they had somehow missed the resurrection of the dead and the gathering together of Christ's Church-age saints to Himself - the Rapture.
read more...In this passage, Paul sets out to clarify a misunderstanding about the coming of Christ "our being gathered to Him," and the Day of the Lord, which not only incorporates the future 70th week of Daniel's great prophecy (the Time of Jacob's Trouble) but also the thousand-year millennial reign of Christ.
Paul had already taught these believers the comforting
While the first chapter of this epistle gives a broad overview of coming prophetic events, chapter 2 goes into greater detail about the coming Day of the Lord. It begins with Paul having to correct certain doctrinal misunderstandings which caused the Thessalonians great concern.
Paul had already taught about the Day of the Lord during his brief visit to Thessalonica, but the truth had been distorted by a hoax letter they thought read more...
What reassurance Christians in Thessalonica received in Paul's first epistle about Christ's soon return. They were expecting to hear the trump of God and the voice of the archangel. They were awaiting Christ's coming in the clouds.
These believers were anticipating the resurrection of the 'Dead-in-Christ'. They were looking forward to being changed from mortal to immortal, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. They believed read more...
The word 'mystery' in the Bible, is not talking about some mystifying enigma or something that is esoteric or eerie. A mystery in Scripture is a truth that has been hidden from previous generations and is only made known to the people of God, by direct, divine revelation, and at God's appointed time.
There are many New Testament mysteries that were hidden from Old Testament saints - truths that were to be revealed to the people read more...
Paul gives an in-depth description of the coming 'man-of-sin' in this chapter. The lawless attitude and rebellious actions of this 'son-of-perdition' will not only oppose the true and living God and all He stands for, but exalt himself above every religion, including Christianity, and every other form of worship... worldwide.
For 2000 years, lawlessness has been restrained through the prayers, praises, and exploits of read more...
As in so many of his epistles, Paul contrasts the way of the wicked, who reject God's gracious gift of salvation and the final devastating outcome of their choice, with those who have accepted His call to trust in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection. And in this passage, Paul give a précis of the past, present, and future glories of those that are saved by the blood of the Lamb, and the wonders that await them.
Paul cared for all the churches where he taught the glorious gospel of the grace of God, desiring that they would hold fast to the truth and stand firm in the teachings passed on to them by Paul himself. How he praised the Lord for the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that was carried out in their lives, and how he encouraged the saints themselves to always give thanks to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul's desire
Paul often prayed for the comfort, encouragement, establishment, and strengthening of the Body of Christ, which is the Church, and in this great prayer, we find Paul's fervent intercession addressed equally to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God the Father.
He earnestly prayed for the Christians at Thessalonica, asking both God the Son and God the Father to comfort and encourage the hearts of these believers and to strengthen and read more...