who will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:8(NASB)
In Christ, we have the confidence that God will confirm, strengthen, and sustain, each one of His children. We have a promise that He will keep us blameless in the day of Christ Jesus. This is a promise of God, which is given to all who have trusted Christ by grace through faith in His finished work at Calvary.
This is a promise from God, which does not depend on what we do for Him, but on what Christ has done for us. God in His grace has promised that He who started a good work in each of our lives (when we trusted His Word and were born from above), is faithful to complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.
Paul was able to share this truth with the Christians at Corinth who, despite being endowed with many spiritual gifts, were lacking in true spirituality and Christian maturity. Despite being indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God, positioned in Christ, and the recipients of the many blessings given to all believers, these Corinthian believers chose to live according to their fleshly lusts, and were not walking in spirit and truth.
Nevertheless, in God's grace and mercy, these carnal Christians in Corinth were equally enriched in Christ, in speech and all knowledge. Paul taught that like all born-again believers, they would also be kept by the power of God, because He is faithful to keep His promises to His people, even when we are faithless towards Him. By His goodness and grace we are all sustained by God and we are all reckoned to be blameless on the day Christ comes for His Church.
God in His grace has promised to sustain and establish all who have put their trust in Him. He has committed to confirm us blameless until the end. He has pledged to keep us from falling. God has promised to strengthen us, keep us, uphold us, support us, and sustain us until the Rapture, when Christ comes in the clouds for His Church. And we are reminded that as we wait for the Lord Jesus, it will be God Himself: "Who will also confirm us to the end of the Church age. He will confirm us blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The One Who will sustain us to the end is God the Father, Who declared us free from guilt the moment we were born-again. This tremendous promise rests solely on Christ's perfect sacrifice, for we are accepted by God, in the Beloved. We are identified with Him in His death and in His life; death to the old and His life in the new.
We are clothed by His Spirit with Christ's perfect righteousness. God the Father will firmly, finally, and fully establish the hope we have in the gospel of Christ, on the day of His return, so that we may be presented to Himself as His pure, spotless Bride: "A glorious Church, without blot or wrinkle or any such thing." Although we are guiltless by faith in Christ, we are not sinless: "For all have sinned and fall short of His glory." But through identification with Christ, we are covered in His righteousness: "Blameless in Christ."
In one respect the day of Christ is future, but in another respect, we are being established amidst all the trials and difficulties of this present age (which are designed by the enemy to shake our faith). For we have the indwelling Spirit of God establishing us in the path of His holiness and conforming us into the likeness of Christ, in every good work and in every good word.
Let us rejoice and be glad for this irrevocable confirmation is in His written Word that He will sustain us to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Father's love and favour towards us which forever establishes in our hearts the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ. And we have the permanency of the indwelling Spirit Who has bestowed on us many wondrous privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He started a good work in us and planted an eternal seed of grace within each of our hearts which will mature and produce much fruit to His praise and glory, if we humbly submit to His leading and guidance in our lives.
Father God, I confess that I could not draw another breath without Your strength. Thank You that You have covered me with the robe of Christ's righteousness, for His name's sake, and have promised to keep and sustain me through every season of my life, until I stand in His presence and am presented to You as blameless. Enable me to finish the work You have given me to do, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
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