His mouth is sweetness. He is absolutely desirable. This is my love, and this is my friend, young women of Jerusalem.
Song of Solomon 5:16(HCSB)
All Scripture is pointing to Christ and the wonderful love song written by king Solomon is no exception. It describes the Lord Jesus Christ in the most beautiful and intimate terms. He is manly and strong. He is the chief among ten thousand. His lips are like lilies dripping with myrrh. His mouth is sweetness itself. Jesus Christ is desirable in every way. He is altogether lovely.
The truth of the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ and the many precious promises that surround the beauty of His Person can only be described as the sweetest and most beautiful truths known to mankind. From the glories of the gospel of grace flow love, joy, peace, hope, and salvation. And the beautiful gospel of grace brings with it eternal life, which is sweetness and light to all who believe.
Grace and truth came to us through the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the transforming light that streams into the inner recesses of man's bitter soul, bringing new life and new hope and new joy into the inner recesses of man's spirit.
Jesus Christ is indeed altogether perfect. He is Perfect in His deity. Perfect in His humanity. Perfect in His sacrifice. Perfect in His timing. Perfect in all His fullness, for in Him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily and in Him is all the fullness of joy, for He is the One that fills all things in every way.
Let us today turn our eyes upon the lovely face of Jesus, our Saviour, our King, our Bridegroom, our Redeemer. And let us remember the intimate relationship we have with Jesus as we join with Solomon saying:
"This is my Beloved, this is my Friend."
Dear Father, thank You for my precious Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who is altogether lovely. Thank You for sending Him to be the Truth of the gospel of grace that has brought light and life to my dead, dark soul. In His wonderful name I pray, AMEN.
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