Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead),
Galatians 1:1(NASB)
Paul had a unique ministry to the Gentiles. He was the only apostle that was called by the risen, ascended, and glorified Lord Jesus and by God the Father. Paul was given the profound mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations. He was the man chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.
He was not appointed during Christ's earthly ministry, nor was he appointed to be an apostle by the authority of other men (as was the replacement for Judas, when the lot fell upon Matthias). Paul was singular in his apostleship, unique in his ministry, and singular in his message.
Paul did not continue teaching the gospel of the coming kingdom on earth which Christ and the apostles proclaimed during His pre-Cross ministry. Paul resolved to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Paul determined to teach nothing but the truth about the One Who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. He uniquely proclaimed the glorious gospel of grace, bringing salvation to all men, both Jew and Gentile alike.
Let us take to heart the truths that Paul proclaims to whosoever will, during this dispensation of grace. Let us determine to proclaim to those God places in our path, the truth of the glorious gospel of grace; that Christ died and rose again, and is alive for evermore.
Loving Father, thank You that in Your grace, You sent Jesus to be the propitiation for my sins and that by believing on Him, I have been brought into Your heavenly family and clothed in His righteousness. Praise His holy name, AMEN.
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