When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
Colossians 3:4(NASB)
As the physical seed of Adam, we were in Adam when he walked in the garden of Eden and when he sinned. As part of that old creation in Adam, we died spiritually in him and were imputed with his unrighteousness. However, as the spiritual seed of Christ we died with Him on the Cross at Calvary. We were buried with Him and raised with Him into newness of life at His Resurrection. Now, we are seated with Him in heavenly places, and as part of the new creation in Christ, we are imputed with His righteousness.
How important to remember that the old 'me' is dead and that I have been 'born from above' into spiritual union with Christ, and my new life is hidden with Christ in God. How wonderful to realise that Christ is now my life and that in Him I live and move and have my being. How glorious to understand that we who are 'born again' are dead to sin, that the power of sin has been broken in our lives, and that the day is coming when our bodies will be made perfect, for we shall be with Christ Jesus our Lord and see Him as He is.
Although we love our Saviour and are in Him and He is us, we have never yet seen Him as He is. However, the day is coming when Christ, Who is our life, will be revealed and we shall truly see Him as He is and we shall know Him as He is. On that glorious day, all those that are in Christ shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.
The dead in Christ shall rise first, and then those who are still alive and remain on earth shall be caught up together with all the Church age believers into the clouds, to meet the Lord Jesus in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord. And on that wonderful day Christ, Who is our life, will be reveal, and then we also will be revealed with Him, in glory.
As the wonderful day of the Rapture of the Church marches ever closer, let us take these words to heart, be those who are longing for his appearing, occupying until He comes, and encouraging each other as we see the day approaching.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessed hope that is set before all those who trust in Christ Jesus as Saviour. Thank You that Christ is my life, and the day is coming when He will return to take me home to be with Him in heaven. O what a wonderful day that will be when, in my glorified body, I will see my Saviour face to face. Come quickly Lord Jesus! AMEN.
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