What Does Psalm 23:2 Mean?

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Psalm 23:2(KJV)

Verse of the Day

Jesus is the Great Shepherd of the sheep, the Good Shepherd Who gives His life for the sheep. He is the only Shepherd Who remains faithful unto our life's end. Jesus is my Shepherd, and He is your Shepherd too. And this has been a truth that has comforted and encouraged millions of people, both Jews and Gentiles alike, down through the ages of time.

The Lord Jesus is the one that is shepherding each one of His people today. He is caring for us and protecting us, providing for us and delivering us from the perils and dangers of this life. Jesus is the one Who calls us by name to: "Come away and rest awhile," and it is Jesus Who: "Maketh ME to lie down in green pastures."

We can rely on our Good Shepherd. We can trust our great and gracious Shepherd. We can abide in our faithful Shepherd and lie down in the green pastures to which He leads us in safety, for even when our life-journey is fraught with difficulties and hardship: "We are His people and the sheep of His pasture."

Jesus died for each one of His own and in His grace has given us peace with the Father. The peace of Jesus Christ our Lord is in our hearts. Let us not resist the rod and staff of our Saviour, but listen to His voice and trust His leading when He steps into our busy lives and calls us to turn aside and rest awhile in the green pastures to where He has brought us.

What refreshment is available to us, what deep, rejuvenating rest we can experience when we lie down in the green pastures of our Good Shepherd. And we will receive restoration to our weary souls, from our beloved Saviour Who knows what is best for us, and is lovingly waiting to give us all we need.

What a wonderful Lord. To Him be all the praise and glory.  

My Prayer

Father God, thank You that Jesus is my Good and faithful Shepherd. Thank You for the times that You bring me to a halt in the hustle and bustle of this frenzied life and cause me to take time to rest. May I listen to Your voice, respond to Your gracious leading, and lie down in the green pastures into which You have led me. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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