Matthew 16 Devotional Commentary

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Matthew 16:15

Matthew 16:15

Speculation about the identity and origin of Jesus Christ was as widespread among the people of the first century as it is within today's modern generation. Imaginations overflowed with ideas and postulations of where He was from, who He could be, why He had come, and what they should do about Him. There were some equally preposterous suggestions in those days as to who they thought that Jesus of Nazareth the Son of Man was, as there are in this day and age.


Matthew 16:16

Matthew 16:16

What simple yet what profound words were uttered by Simon Peter in response to the question that Jesus asked His disciples: "Whom do YOU say that I AM?" This is the fundamental question that every man and woman born into the human race has to face at one time or another. Whom do YOU say Jesus Christ is? What think ye of Jesus of Nazareth?

There is of course only one correct answer, and every answer that conflicts with read more...

Matthew 16:17

Matthew 16:17

Although He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Christ's rejection began in chapter 12 when the Jewish leaders challenged His authority and accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub. From that time on, He began to teach in parables, so His Jewish listeners would not understand the meaning of His words and would crucify their Messiah 'in ignorance' - for to reject the Prince of Life knowingly, would place these sinners under read more...

Matthew 16:18

Matthew 16:18

The conclusion that every man and woman born into the human race has to reach at one time or another, is the answer to the eternally significant question, "What think ye of Christ, who do you say He is?" It was the Spirit of God that moved Peter to make the earth-shattering, yet correct answer, "You are the Messiah, the Christ – the Son of the living God." Peter trusted in Jesus as His Saviour, and even when Satan sought to read more...

Matthew 16:24

Matthew 16:24

Though Matthew was written predominantly to call Israel as a nation to repent (to turn away from spiritual adultery and in so doing to turn TO their promised Messiah), much was written to instruct Christ's own disciples and to bring them to an understanding of who the Messiah was, what the Messiah came to do, and how believing on the Messiah and following after Him would affect their own lives.

Though Matthew was

Matthew 16:25

Matthew 16:25

When man sinned, he placed self on the throne of his life in place of God, but unless a believer learns the hard lesson of self-denial and sets out to live his life for Christ alone, by denying self, taking up his cross, living for Christ, and identifying with Him, his life will be fruitless.

Just as Christ identified with us and became sin for us so we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, we too are to identify with read more...

Matthew 16:26

Matthew 16:26

A true disciple is one that denies self and lives for Christ, rather than ignoring the commands of the Lord Jesus by living for themselves. A real disciple is one that abides in Christ, takes up his cross and follows Him, rather than ignoring the way of the Cross and following the way of the world.

A genuine disciple is a man or woman who will forsake the things of this world by losing their life and dying to self, rather than read more...