John 13 Devotional Commentary

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John 13:1

John 13:1

Jesus was the Passover Lamb and the Law given through Moses demanded that four days before this Feast.. the Passover lambs were to be selected and carefully checked for blemishes.. until the 14th day of the first month, when they would be sacrificed unto the Lord. And for four whole days.. before His crucifixion, Jesus was relentlessly pursued and bombarded by the scribes and Pharisees with trick questions in an attempt to accuse Him of blasphemy - but Jesus was read more...

John 13:7

John 13:7

Though Peter may have left all to follow Jesus, watched in amazement as He saw Him transfigured at the top of the holy mount, and unashamedly proclaimed: "Thou are the Christ the Son of the living God," he could not begin to understand the staggering spiritual significance of Christ's act of humility, when He laid aside His garments, girded Himself with a towel, and began to wash the disciples' feet.


John 13:13

John 13:13

Some of the claims that Christ made would have been downright arrogant if they had not been true, but every sign He performed was the direct fulfilment of an Old Testament prophecy that was the identifying signature of the Jewish Messiah. He proved over and again that He was Who He said He was; Son of God and Son of Man, God incarnate, the Messiah of Israel, and Saviour of the World.

He had just broken the bread and passed the read more...

John 13:14

John 13:14

The hour had come that Christ was to leave the disciples He loved so dearly and for whom He had devoted His life. The hour had come that He was to purchase them with His own blood. 

The Lord Jesus had laid aside His eternal glory and set apart His life for this hour, and in humility and grace, He took a basin of water and washed His disciples' feet. This was a physical scene that was to illustrate a spiritual truth that would read more...

John 13:15

John 13:15

Christ's entire life was an example of humble obedience, submissive service, and active dependence upon His heavenly Father. He was the personification of meekness and grace, faithfulness and love. He was the One Who created the heavens and the earth and through Him, all things hold together by the might of His power. The very breath of man is in His hands, and the winds and waves obey His voice.  And yet, He set us an example of humility and grace when He washed read more...

John 13:34

John 13:34

The Cross was drawing ever closer. Jesus had just washed the feet of His confused disciples, in an act of gracious love. The kingdom that seemed so promising a few short days earlier was fast fading into obscurity, as Christ talked of leaving them, of going away to a place where they could not follow. And then came the shocking realisation of His forthcoming death. It was at this time of intense sorrow and deep, deep passion that the little flock of Christ heard read more...

John 13:35

John 13:35

The love of Christ is a supernatural love, a divine love, a love that streams to us from the heart of God, for God is Love. The Lord Jesus was soon to demonstrate how deep that love was for all who receive Him as their redeeming sin sacrifice, for greater love has no one than this, that the Man Christ Jesus, God incarnate, would lay down His life for His friends.

And so, He gave us a new commandment, a command that sums up the read more...

John 13:36

John 13:36

We have all been through a difficult circumstance in life, but it is only as we look back on all that happened that we come to a fuller appreciation of its deeper significance and receive greater understanding of all that God was doing in our life at that time. This seems to be the case in Peter's life, when Jesus started to speak to His disciples with increasing urgency about His fast approaching departure.

From the point

John 13:37

John 13:37

The apostle Peter holds a special place in many hearts. It was to him that Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom when he was instructed, three times: "Feed My sheep." Peter was the one who unlocked the gate of the kingdom, first to Jews at Pentecost, and later to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius, the Roman centurion.

Peter was the big fisherman who showed great affection for his Lord and Master and he was the one who read more...

John 13:38

John 13:38

Jesus had been sent from heaven to fulfil His Father's will and had just explained to his confused disciples He was about to return to heaven, where He would be seated at the Father's right hand. The disciples had expected Him to bring in the kingdom there and then and were distressed to hear Him say He was going away and they would be unable to go to Him. Had he not told them earlier that they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the nation of Israel?